Generating a Japanese Invoice Summary

Before generating an invoice summary, you must first determine the customers whom you need to generate an invoice summary for. The Generate Invoice Summary page has search fields where you can enter criteria to search for customers. Go to Transactions > Customers > Generate Invoice Summary.

To generate an invoice summary for transactions in a closed accounting period, you must first enable Allow Non G/L Changes for the closed period. For more information, see Unlocking Period Transactions. When generating an invoice summary, the system can update the invoice summary fields on transactions by adding links to the invoice summary record and PDF file. If Allow Non G/L Changes is not enabled in the closed period, when you generate an invoice summary for transactions in that period, the system will not be able to add the links.

Invoice summary generation is processed by a scheduled script. If the system is still processing a previous invoice summary generation request when you clicked Generate, your recent request will be queued. The script will process your request as soon as the earlier invoice summary generation is completed.


The Multi-Queue feature is not yet supported by the Japan Localization SuiteApp.

A transaction is prevented from being included in more than one invoice summary, because it is not possible to generate an invoice summary if an earlier generation process, with has the same subsidiary and closing date, is in progress. In this case, an error message is displayed, indicating the name of the user who performed the previous invoice summary generation. Try generating the invoice summary later, after the previous generation with the same criteria is completed.

If you are not using a OneWorld account, you cannot generate an invoice summary if an earlier generation process for the same closing date is still in progress, even if it is for a different customer.


You can apply tax rounding methods to the tax amount in an invoice summary. For more information, see Setting Tax Rounding Methods - Japan.

To generate a Japanese invoice summary:

  1. Using the Classic Center, go to Transactions > Customers, and at the bottom of the list, click Generate Invoice Summary.

    If you are using the Accounting Center, go to Customers > Accounts Receivable.

    If you are using the Sales Center, go to Customers > Transactions.

  2. On the Generate Invoice Summary page, specify the following search criteria for transactions to be included in the invoice summary:

    1. If you are using a OneWorld account, in the Subsidiary field, select a subsidiary whose customers you want to generate an invoice summary for. Change the default value of the Subsidiary field, which initially indicates your subsidiary.

      You must first specify a value for the Subsidiary field before the Customer field.

    2. In the Customer field, select a customer. You can select only one customer at a time.

      Another option is to select a customer saved search from the Customer Saved Search field. To use this field, you must have created a customer saved search and select it. Or, you can select the ready-made Japan Customer Saved Search, which comes with the Japan Localization SuiteApp.

      You can only specify a value for either the Customer field or Customer Saved Search field, not both. If both Customer Saved Search and Customer fields are left blank, the search result will display the transactions of all customers that belong to the subsidiary you selected.

      If you are using a OneWorld account, clicking Search without selecting any customer will include in the search result all customers associated with the subsidiary. If you are not using a OneWorld account, and did not specify a customer, the search result will include all customers.

    3. In the Closing Date field, specify the closing date. Enter a date, or pick a date using the calendar icon next to the field. The Closing Date you selected is indicated as the Statement Date in the search results page.

      If a value you selected for a search filter causes an error or if there are no search results, click Return to Search Criteria to edit the filters and select a different subsidiary or closing date.

    4. (Optional) If you want to include in the invoice summary customers with no invoices, credit memos or closed or canceled sales orders created in the current billing period, check the Include Customers With No Current Invoices and Credit Memos box. Only customers with closing date in their payment terms that is the same as the closing date used in the search filter will be included. Generating an invoice summary even if there are no transactions in the current billing period can be useful if you want to inform a customer about any of the following:

      • an unpaid balance from previous a billing period,

      • payments received in the current billing period (full payment or overpayment), or

      • no recent transactions (no unpaid balance from previous billing or payments received in the current billing period).

    5. (Optional) If you want to include overdue invoices, those not paid on or before the due date, check the Include Overdue Invoices box. If this box is checked, overdue invoices from the previous invoice summary that are open as of the closing date and whose transaction closing date is the same as the closing date of the payment term, will be included. In case of partial payments, only the unpaid amount is displayed in the Invoice Details section of the generated invoice summary PDF file.

  3. Click Search.

  4. On the search results page, review the list of customers and the following details:

    1. The Statement Date field indicates the same date you selected in the Closing Date field on the Generate Invoice Summary page. You can edit the date if necessary.

    2. The Statement Template field indicates the invoice summary template selected on the subsidiary record. You can still change the template but ensure it is appropriate for the customers’ transactions that will be included in the invoice summary.

    3. To open a list of customer transactions, for invoices, credit memos, or closed and canceled sales orders, click the amount under the column of the transaction type that you want to view. A transactions list is displayed, with the Type column indicating the transaction type.

    4. To exclude a transaction from the invoice summary, go to the list of transactions and click the transaction you want to exclude. On the transaction record, clear the Include in Invoice Summary box.


      After editing a transaction, the list of transactions shown on the Generate Invoice Summary page does not get refreshed automatically. However, you can perform a search again to view an updated list before generating the invoice summary.

  5. After confirming the customers and transactions that you want to include in the invoice summary, as well as the statement date and template, click Generate.

The time it takes to process invoice summary generation depends on the volume of transactions included for the selected period. For example, based on the following conditions, the estimated processing time is about one hour:


To prevent errors in invoice summary generation, you must limit the number of transactions per batch to 4,000. The number of customers per invoice summary generation affects processing time more than the number of transactions. Therefore, 4,000 transactions spread across more customers will result in a longer generation time. Before generating the invoice summary, you can use the customer saved search on the Generate Invoice Summary page, to verify that the number of transactions in the batch does not exceed 4,000. In using the saved search, try to limit the number of results by being more specific with the customer filter or search criteria.

NetSuite sends you an email indicating that invoice summary generation was completed.

After successful generation, an invoice summary transaction record is automatically created for each customer included in the invoice summary. The record contains details about the customer’s name, closing date, invoice summary number, a link to the invoice summary template, a link to the invoice summary document, and a list of the customer transactions.

One PDF file of the invoice summary is created, containing all customers that you chose to include in the invoice summary.

PDF files are automatically saved in the Invoice Summaries folder in the File Cabinet, Documents > Files > File Cabinet. PDF file names are system-generated based on a naming convention. For more information, see Invoice Summary PDF File Naming. A link to the PDF file is included in the invoice summary transaction record and in the email message sent to you.

The Invoice Summary Transaction field on an invoice record that was included in the invoice summary, will have a link to the invoice summary transaction record.

To regenerate an invoice summary , see Regenerating an Invoice Summary for a Customer.

For more information about working with invoices and invoice summaries for Japanese customers, read the following topics:

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