Creating Values Using the New Button

In some cases, you may have permission to create values for a segment, and you may also have permission to work with the segment in another context. For example:

In these cases, when you notice the segment on another record, you can use the New button to create values. This approach lets you create a new segment value without navigating away from the record you are working on. The new value is immediately available for selection in the record.

To create values using the New button:

  1. During the time that you are working on the record that shows the segment, move your cursor to the right of the segment label.

    The system displays a New button.

    Sample New button.
  2. Click New.

    The system displays a popup form that lets you create a new value.

  3. Fill out the form as follows:

    • In the Name field, enter a name. This text is displayed in the segment’s list, when the segment appears on a record.

    • If another value should be the parent of the value that you are adding, select that value in the Filter list. NetSuite validates parent-child combinations to ensure that the values are unique. If the same parent-child combination already exists, an error message appears. For more information about parent-child relationships, see Creating Hierarchies Among a Custom Segment’s Values.

    • If this segment uses filtering, the page displays one or more lists with headings that begin with the words Filter by. In each box, select the appropriate value. To select more than one value, use the Ctrl key.

      Sample Filter By list.

      For more information about filtering, see Filtering for a Custom Segment.

    • If you want to hide the new value from users, make the value inactive. Note that making the value inactive prevents the value from appearing as a stand-alone choice. However, if the value is a parent to another value, the value still appears as a parent. To make a value inactive, check the Inactive box.

    • If your account uses the Multi-Language feature and you want to create translations for the value’s name, enter the translations in the fields provided.

  4. Click Save.

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