Applying Custom Sublists to Custom Record Types

You can add custom sublists to custom record types.

First, you create a saved search that obtains the results that you want to show on your custom records. See Saved Searches for Custom Sublists. Then you add the search as a custom sublist to your custom record type.


If the saved search is not available in the sublist setup, check the saved search settings. The first item listed on the Available Filters subtab must be a List/Record type, otherwise the saved search is not available to assign as a sublist.

To add the search as a custom sublist to a custom record type:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types. Click the name of the record type to which you want to add the sublist.

  2. Click the Sublists subtab.

  3. In the Search column, select the saved search.

  4. In the Label column, enter a label for the subtab where you want the search results to display.

  5. (When the Multi-Language feature is enabled) In the Translation column, enter one or more translations of the label. You can enter up to 50 characters in the Translation column.

  6. In the Tab column, select the custom subtab where you want this sublist to display.

  7. In the Field column, select the field by which you are filtering this sublist.

  8. Click Add.

  9. Click Save.

Now, these search results show on the custom record. For an example of applying a custom sublist to a custom record type, see Example of Adding Custom Sublists to Custom Record Types.

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