Applying Custom Sublists to Standard Records

You can add a custom sublist to any standard entity or transaction record, including custom transaction and entry forms.

For example, you may want to show a list of customers on the sales order form that are assigned to the sales representative on the order.


If SDF is enabled in your account, you use a different page for adding custom sublists. For more information, see Applying Custom Sublists in SDF-Enabled Accounts.

To add a custom sublist to a standard record:

  1. First, create a saved search for the information you want to show. The results of this search should include the information you want to show on your sublist. See Saved Searches for Custom Sublists.

  2. Go to Customization > Forms > Sublists.

  3. Click the subtab that corresponds with the kind of record to which you want to add the sublist.

  4. In the Search column, select the saved search that returns the results you want to appear on the record.

    If the saved search does not appear in the list, check the saved search settings. The first item listed on the Available Filters subtab must be a List/Record type, otherwise the saved search is not available to assign as a sublist.

  5. Enter a label for this sublist.

  6. In the Tab column, select the subtab where you want the sublist to appear.

  7. Check the box for each record where you want this sublist to appear.

    This sublist shows on the standard and custom forms of the types you select.

  8. In the Field column, select the field by which you are filtering the sublist.

  9. Click Add.

  10. Click Save.

Now, these search results show on the records you selected. For an example of applying custom sublists to standard records, see Example of Adding Custom Sublist to Standard Record.

When a transaction is created by transformation from another record type, custom child record sublists are available for editing on the new transaction. Sublists are also available when users select the Make Copy action on an original transaction. The sublists are empty to prevent problems when copying child records, so the user should enter new sublist values.

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