Domains and Domain Diagrams

Some tables in the Connect Browser are combined to form domains. Domains are groups of tables that are related to each other. The relationships between these tables are illustrated by domain diagrams provided for each of the domains.

Currently, the Connect Browser includes only the most widely used domains and their diagrams.

To find a domain:

  1. Select the domain from the list at the top of the browser window.

    Domain dropdown list
  2. A list of all tables included in this domain appears. Click a table to view its summary.

    The diagrams for the domains in which this table is included are displayed at the bottom of the page.

Understanding Domain Diagrams

Domain diagrams outline the relationships between tables in the same domain.

In the following diagram, the campaigns table has one primary key, campaign_id, and multiple foreign keys. Through its foreign keys, the campaigns table is related to the campaignoffer, campaign_families, campaign_search_engine, campaign_audiences, campaign_verticals, and campaign_categories tables. The tables that reference the campaigns table through its primary key are campaignitem, campaign_categories, and campaignevent.


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