Working with Site Management Tools Landing Pages in a Sandbox Account

When working with Site Management Tools (SMT) in a sandbox account, you must configure the URL for landing pages to reflect the domain of the sandbox environment. If you fail to set this configuration property, you receive a Page Not Found error when attempting to access an SMT landing page in the sandbox environment.

For configuration information, see Configure Properties.

To set the Landing Pages URL:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Configuration > [Select Site] and [Select Domain].

  2. In the SuiteCommerce Configuration record, go to the Integrations subtab and then the Site Management Tools subtab.

  3. In the Landing Pages URL field, enter the URL for your sandbox account.

    The format of the sandbox domain is your account specific domain appended with the unique identifier for the sandbox, for example,

  4. Click Save.

See NetSuite Sandbox and URLs for Account-Specific Domains for additional information.

To set the Landing Pages URL (pre-Elbrus):

  1. Create a custom CMSAdapter module to extend CMSadapter.model.js

  2. Add a custom property to set cmsPagesUrl is as follows:

                    '' + siteSettings.siteid + '&c=' + nlapiGetContext().getCompany() + '&{}' 

    This sample URL uses the account specific domain and the unique identifier for the sandbox.

For more information about customizing a module, see Develop Your SCA Customization. For information about deploying customizations to a sandbox account, see Deploy to a NetSuite Sandbox



When the sandbox account is refreshed, your customization will be overwritten and will need to be redeployed to the sandbox account.


If you make customizations in your sandbox account and then move those customizations to production, you must edit the cmsPagesUrl in the CMSadapter.model.js file to change the sandbox URL to the production URL.

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