Creating Payment Files from Transactions for Electronic Bank Payment

Before creating instant payment files, verify that the saved searches and payment transactions have been properly set up for electronic bank payment. You can review the guidelines from the following topics:

To create payment files from bill or customer payments:

  1. Go to Payments > Bank File Generation > Generate Bill Payment File or Generate Customer Payment File.

  2. On the Payment File Generation page, do the following in the Transactions for Processing section:

    1. Select one of the following transaction type in the Select EFT Transaction Type field.

      • Bill Payments

      • Vendor Prepayments


      The Select Transactions Saved Search field is auto populated with the selected transaction type saved search. If the criteria does not match the required saved search, you can edit or select another saved search by clicking the Edit Search link

    2. Select a bank from the list in the Company Bank Account field.

      The rest of the fields are populated with details based on your selected account.


      If you do not have access to the subsidiary of the selected company bank account, then a custrecord_8858_process_user error is displayed when you click the Generate File button.


      Inactive company bank detail records and those associated with inactive payment file templates are not displayed for selection in the list. For more information about company bank detail records, see the Setting Up Company Bank Records topic for your country in Setting Up Payment File Formats.

    3. Select a saved search from the list in the Select Transactions Saved Search field.

      • If no transactions are retrieved or if you encounter errors in the criteria, you can select another saved search or review the saved search filters by clicking the Edit Search link.

      • Click the Preview link to view the transactions retrieved by the saved search, before you generate the payment file. If you want to exclude transactions, edit each record and then clear the For Electronic Bank Payment box.

      • For information about creating transaction saved searches, see Defining Transaction Saved Searches for Electronic Bank Payment.

      You can view details of retrieved transactions in the Summary section:



      No. of Transactions

      This field displays the total number of payment transactions for electronic bank payment.


      If your selected saved search retrieves more than 5,000 transactions, a warning is displayed that only the first 5,000 transactions are included in the payment file. For more information, see Limitations and Considerations for Instant Electronic Bank Payment File Creation.

      Total Amount for Payment

      This field displays the total amount for electronic bank payment. The value is computed from the amount of all payment transactions retrieved by the saved search.

      Total Company Bank Fee

      This field displays the total amount of bank fees that the vendor will pay for electronic bank payment. The value is computed from the amount of all payment transactions retrieved by the saved search.

      Total Vendor Bank Fee

      This field displays the total amount of bank fees that the vendor will pay for electronic bank payment. The value is computed from the amount of all payment transactions retrieved by the saved search.

  3. Do any of the following in the Payment Information section:



    Date to be Processed

    Enter the date when you want the bank to process the payment transaction. This field displays the current date by default.

    File Reference Note

    Enter the reference number for the EFT or DD payment transaction, to be displayed at the header portion of the payment file.

  4. Click Generate File.


    To prevent the creation of duplicate payment files, you can run processes for the same GL bank account and payment file format one at a time only.

    On the Payment File Administration page, click Refresh to get the latest processing status, which is displayed in the Status field. If there are any errors, view the details in the Processing Errors field. For more information, see the following topics:

Sending Email Notifications in Bulk

You can send an email notification after a payment file has been created. Go to Payments > Payment Processing > Payment File Administration to open the record in view mode. On the Payment File Administration page, the Email Payment Notification button is displayed only for records with associated transactions and with any of the following statuses: Processed, Processed with Errors, or Failed.

When sending payment notifications, you can select from the list of transactions that have been processed in the payment file. After you have sent the email, you can view the list of payment notifications on the Email Notifications subtab of the Payment File Administration record. The payment notifications can also be accessed on the entity record. Go to Lists > Relationships > (Entity). On the entity page, you can view the payment notifications on the Messages subtab of the Communication subtab.

For more information about sending notification for electronic bank payments, see Sending Payment Notifications.

Related Topics

General Notices