Reversing or Deleting Customer Payments

You may want to remove a customer payment from the system entirely. For example, after entering a customer payment you may realize it has many errors. You can reverse it and reenter the transaction without the need issue a refund. This prevents payments entered by mistake from showing as refunds in your accounting reports.

To reverse a customer payment, click Edit, and then click Void. You can also select Delete in the Actions menu to permanently remove the transaction from your system.

Reversing a customer payment using the Void button is preferred to deleting the transaction because voiding the transaction keeps the audit trail. See Voiding, Deleting, or Closing Transactions.

you can reverse customer payments without the need to issue a refund when the following conditions are fulfilled:


Deleting a payment doesn't unapply its credits. See Removing Credits from Deleted Customer Payments.

Reversing Cash or Check Customer Payments

To reverse a cash or check payment, on the customer payment transaction, click Edit, and then click Void. This reverses the general ledger impact, voids the transaction lines, and keeps the transaction in the system. This also reopens invoices associated with this payment. Voiding a customer payment is preferred to deleting it. See Voiding, Deleting, or Closing Transactions.

Reversing Credit Card Payments

Credit Card customer payment transactions cannot be reversed. You must issue a refund or credit memo for the customer. If the payment has the Unapproved Payment status, the payment must be approved before it can be refunded. See Approving Customer Payments.

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General Notices