Managing Undeposited Customer Payments

If you receive a payment for a customer invoice by cash or check and your bank account is not credited until you actually deposit the funds, you should put this payment in the Undeposited Funds account.

To manage undeposited customer payments:

  1. Go to Customers > Accounts Receivable > Accept Customer Payments.

  2. On the Customer Payment page, select Undep. Funds.

  3. Fill in the rest of the information about the customer payment.

  4. Click Save.

Then, when you go to Transactions > Make Deposits and on the Items subtab, click the Payments subtab, this payment is listed as an item ready to be deposited in your bank account.

If payment is by credit card and your bank account is automatically credited, you should select Account on the Customer Payment page, and then select the bank account from the list.

Related Topics:

General Notices