Giving Customers Access to Invoices

Giving customers access to their invoices allows them to view past invoices. If you set up the appropriate preferences, you can also allow your customers to pay their open invoices online.

You need to complete the following steps to give customers access to their invoices. Detailed instructions follow:

  1. Enable the appropriate features.

  2. Setup access on customer records.

To enable features:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features (Administrator).

  2. Click the Transactions subtab.

  3. Under Payment Processing, check the Credit Card Payments box if you want to allow customers to pay their invoices online.

  4. Click the Web Presence subtab.

  5. Under Access, check the Customer Access box.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Go to Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preference.

  8. Click the Items/Transactions subtab.

  9. To let customers pay their invoices online, under Payment Processing, check the Customers Can Pay Online box.

  10. Click Save.

Setting Up Access on Customer Records

You can use customer records in NetSuite to give access to customers and assign roles.

You should check the Send New Access Notification Email box to send an email so customers can set up a NetSuite password for themselves. However, if you prefer to set their passwords yourself, use the procedure in Manually Set a Password instead.

To set up access on customer records:

  1. Go to Customers > Lists > Customers.

  2. Click Edit next to the name of the customer you want to give access to.

  3. Under Email | Phone | Address, enter your customer's email address if you haven't already done so.

  4. Click the Access subtab.

  5. In the Role field, select the Customer Center role you want to assign to this customer.

  6. Check the Give Access box.

  7. To notify your customer of this new access, check the Send New Access Notification Email box. The notification email includes the email address (used for logging in to NetSuite) and explains login procedures. It also contains a URL so that the customer can set up a NetSuite password.

  8. When you have finished entering information, click Save.

Manually Set a Password

You should use the Send New Access Notification Email feature that lets customers set up a NetSuite password for themselves. However, if you prefer to set their passwords yourself, use the following procedure instead.

To manually set a password:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Customers.

  2. Next to the customer to whom you want to assign a role, click Edit.

  3. In the Email field, enter the customer's email address.

    The customer uses this email address to log in to NetSuite.

  4. On the Access subtab, check the Give Access box.

  5. In the Role field, select the Customer Center role you want to assign to this customer.

  6. Clear the Send New Access Notification Email box.

  7. Check the Manually Assign or Change Password box.

  8. Enter a password for your customer.


    For details about password requirements, see NetSuite Password Requirements.

  9. Enter the password again for verification.

  10. When you have finished entering information, click Save.

  11. Next, tell your customer to go to your customer center login page. To find the URL, a user with an Administrator role can go to Setup > Company > Company Information. The URL is in the Customer Center Login field. Your customer can log in with the email address and the password you entered on the customer’s record. Do not send the customer the password by email.

After your customers log in to NetSuite, they can view and pay their invoices.

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