Invoicing Billable Customers

You can bulk invoice customers for billable expenses, items, and time when you use the Bill Costs to Customers feature. To invoice billable customers by using bulk billing can decrease the time you spend billing customers.

If you use the Multiple Currencies feature, you can generate invoices only in each customer's primary currency. For more information, see Customers and Multiple Currencies.

The Invoice Billable Customers page includes lines from the vendor bill as well as any applied vendor credit, providing visibility into lines already billed with an included credit.


You cannot fulfill or bill sales orders with the status Pending Approval. You also cannot close lines on a sales order with this status. If you need to make changes to an order that is pending approval, you can remove line items.

To bulk bill customers:

  1. Go to Billing > Sales > Invoice Billable Customers.

  2. Enter the Invoice date to apply to all invoices you are creating.

  3. From the Account list, select the accounts receivable account to post to.

    To set the default A/R account, go to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences (Administrator).

    You can select Respect Customer Preference if you want the invoices created to use each customer's default. You can set the default A/R account for a customer on the Financial subtab of the customer record.

  4. From the Form list, select the form you want to use for the invoices.

  5. Choose to print, email or fax the invoices.

    In the fields To Be Printed, To Be Emailed, and To Be Faxed, set your preferences for sending the completed form. You can make a selection in each field individually.

    • Select Yes if you want to send the form using the method indicated.

      For example, select Yes in the To Be Faxed field to fax the form.

    • Select No if you do NOT want to send the form using the method indicated.

      For example, select No in the To Be Emailed field to not email the form.

    • Select Respect Customer Preference to send the form based on the default preference on the customer record.

      For example, if the customer's record indicates to send forms by fax, then the completed form is faxed.

      Set the preference on the Info subtab of a customer record in the Send Transactions Via field.

  6. Filter the transactions that show in the list by checking the Expenses box, Items box, or Time box. For example, when you check the Expenses box, the list shows only transactions for customers with billable expenses.

  7. Check the Charges box if you want to invoice billable charges.

  8. Check the Credit Card Approved box if the credit card transaction occurred outside of NetSuite. For example, a charge at a card-swipe terminal.

  9. Check the Show Invoices box to show a list of invoices created when you submit this page.

  10. In the Bill Date field, filter the list of transactions by selecting a date range. Then, you can filter the list of transactions to process billable transactions for a particular time frame.

    For example, a lawyer can filter the transaction list for billable time during the previous month. Then, customers can be invoiced monthly for billable time accrued during the previous calendar month.

  11. Select the invoices to create by checking the Invoice box next to the transaction.

  12. Click Submit.

For each transaction you checked, NetSuite creates an invoice using your preferred invoice form. The Results page lists all invoices created in this bulk process.


When billable time is entered using the Vendor Center against a service item with a price, the billable time shows when you invoice billable customers. The rate shown is the price on the item record.

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