Show the Customer Account Balance Due on Invoices

You can inform customers of the outstanding balance due on their account by showing their total account balance on each invoice. This is a good way to keep customers aware of their balance due between statements.

The balance that shows on an invoice is the customer's total payable amount due on their account, including the amount of the invoice it is printed on.

For invoices to show the customer account balance, you need to customize your standard invoice form. Then, you can choose this custom form when creating an invoice.

To customize an invoice to show the Balance field:

  1. Go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms (Administrator).

  2. Next to the invoice form to which you want to add the Balance field, click Customize.

    In the Name field, enter a name for this form. For example, you might call this form Balance Field Invoice.

  3. Click the Screen Fields subtab.

    On the Billing subtab, check the box in the Show column next to Balance.

    If you use the Consolidated Payments feature, check the Consolidated Balance box to show the consolidated balance.

  4. Click the Printing Fields subtab.

  5. Click the Body subtab.

  6. Check the box in the Print/Email column next to Balance.

    If you use the Consolidated Payments feature, check the Consolidated Balance box to show the consolidated balance.

  7. If you want this to be the preferred form, check the Form is Preferred box in the header.

  8. Click Save.

Now, when you create invoices using this form, the account balance due for the customer being billed shows in the Balance field. This balance shows on the invoice when it is viewed, printed, faxed or emailed.


Viewing a previously created invoice shows the balance due at the time the invoice was created. To update the balance on the invoice, you must edit the invoice.

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