Free Shipping With an Item

NetSuite enables you to offer free shipping promotions when your customers buy certain items. When you use this preference, the shipping charge for the order changes to zero when the item is added to the cart.

To offer free shipping with certain items:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Shipping Items.

  2. Beside the ship item you want to be free when the items are purchased, click Edit

    Alternatively, to create a new shipping item for the promotion, click New.

  3. Click the Free Shipping Items subtab.

  4. Select an Item to offer without a shipping charge.

    Alternatively, to quickly add several items with free shipping, click the Add Multiple button.

  5. Click Add

  6. Continue to select and add items that should have free shipping.

  7. To require that all items you selected are on an order before free shipping is offered, check the All Items Must Be Purchased box.

    Clear this box to offer free shipping on the order if any of the items listed are purchased.

  8. Click Save.


The maximum number of free shipping items you can assign to an individual shipping item is 10,000.

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