Step 6 Create a Transition

This step shows you how to create and edit a transition. You can use the diagrammer to drag and drop a transition between states and then edit the transition properties. Any changes made in the diagrammer are immediately saved.

In this step, you create a transition between State 1 Entry and State 2 See Opportunities that executes after an opportunity record is saved for the first time.

To create and edit a transition:

  1. If you have not already done so, complete Step 5 Create Actions.

  2. In the diagrammer, hover over the End icon on State 1 Entry. The cursor becomes a filled half-circle.

  3. Drag and hover over State 2 See Opportunities. The following screenshot shows how the cursor becomes an arrow and you can drag it to the required state:

    The cursor becoming an arrow that you can drag after you hover over the End icon.

    The diagrammer creates a transition when you release the mouse and State 2 Opportunities becomes the new exit (End) state. You can also click and drag the states to new locations. The following screenshot shows a transition between state 1 and state 2:

    A transition between state 1 and state 2. State 1 is the start of the workflow and state 2 is the end of the workflow.

    You can also create and edit a transition by editing the state properties for the state that you want to transition from and clicking the New Transition button.

  4. Select the transition in the diagrammer and click the Edit icon in the context panel.

  5. In the Workflow Transition window, select After Record Submit for the Transition On property.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Verify that the transition in the context panel looks like the following screenshot:

    A view of the Transition tab on the context panel that shows a transaction on the After Record Submit action. Edit and delete icons are located to the right of the transition information.
  8. To continue with the tutorial, proceed to Step 7 Initiate and Validate the Workflow.

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