Send Campaign Email Action

Use the Send Campaign Email action to send an email as part of a marketing initiative. This action can be used in a workflow for any record type, although it is commonly used with Customer, Lead, or Prospect record types. You can use the Send Email Campaign action in a lead nurturing workflow to manage leads in a marketing campaign. For a sample workflow that uses a Send Campaign Email action, see Lead Nurturing Workflow.

Use this action in conjunction with the Marketing Automation feature. For more information about the Marketing Automation feature, see Marketing Automation Overview.

To use the Send Campaign Email action, you specify the recipient of the email and the campaign event, and an optional workflow field to track the customer responses to the campaign event. Use the Subscribe To Record action to track responses to the campaign event. For more information about campaign events, see Managing Campaigns.


Workflow definitions require a trigger configuration that initiates the workflow, executes an action within a workflow or transitions the workflow from one state to another.

Send Campaign Email Action Parameters

The following table describes the Send Campaign Email action properties:




Record that contains the entity from which the email address is used to send the campaign. The default selection is Current Record.


An entity from the Record to which the email campaign is sent. For example, the current record's Customer field has an Email address that will receive the campaign.

Campaign Event

Title of the campaign event for the associated marketing campaign.

For more information about campaign events, see Campaign Events.

Store Result In

Workflow field to store the campaign event response. Use this field in a Subscribe To Record action to track the response from the campaign recipient.

See Creating and Using Workflow Fields and Subscribe To Record Action.


For more information about adding actions to a workflow, including common action properties and conditions, see Action Conditions and Creating an Action.

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