Summary Type Example Screenshots

The following sections walk you through the tasks for defining criteria and results, including summary types, for a sales order transaction search, with screenshots illustrating definitions and results pages for different summary types.

Click on the arrows to display the steps and screenshots for tasks:

To create a search and define search criteria:

  1. Go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New and select Transaction.

  2. Select Type from the Filter field and Sales Order in the popup window. Then click Set.

  3. Select Main Line from the Filter field and No in the popup window. Then click Set.

    Filter field to define search criteria.

To define a Group summary type:

  1. Click the Results subtab and add the following fields: Amount, Name, Date.

  2. Select Group from the Summary Type dropdown list for Name, to group transactions by Customer.

    Group summary type selected for the Name field.
  3. Click the Preview button. The first level of results lists customers.

    Search preview results.
  4. Click a customer name to drill down into a list of transactions for that customer.

    Customer drill down.

To define a Sum summary type:

  1. Click Return to Summary, then click Return to Criteria.

  2. Click the Results subtab and select Sum from the Summary Type dropdown list for Amount.

    Sum summary type selected for the Amount field.
  3. Click Preview. The results page displays a total dollar amount of transactions for each customer.

    Preview of custom search results.

To define a Count summary type:

  1. Click Return to Criteria.

  2. Click the Results subtab, add the Item field, and select Count from the Summary Type for Item. Also, remove the Sum from Amount, by selecting a blank from the Summary Type dropdown list.

    Count summary type selected for the Item field.
  3. Click Preview. The results page lists a count of the number of items sold for each customer.

    Preview of Custom Transaction search results.
  4. Click a customer to drill down to a list of transactions and items.

    Drill down of Custom Transaction search results.

To define a Minimum summary type:

  1. Click Return to Summary, then click Return to Criteria.

  2. Click the Results subtab, remove the Item field, and select Minimum from the Summary Type dropdown list for Amount.

    Mnimum summary type selected for the Amount field.
  3. Click the Preview button. The results page displays the minimum transaction amount for each customer.

    Custom Transaction search results with a minimum summary type.

To define a Maximum summary type:

  1. Click Return to Criteria.

  2. Click the Results subtab, and select Maximum from the Summary Type dropdown list for Amount.

    Maximum summary type selected for the Amount field.
  3. Click the Preview button. The results page displays the maximum transaction amount for each customer.

    Custom Transaction search results with a maximum summary type.

To define an Average summary type:

  1. Click Return to Criteria.

  2. Click the Results subtab, and select Average from the Summary Type dropdown list for Amount.

    Average summary type selected for the Amount field.
  3. Click the Preview button. The results page displays the average transaction amount for each customer.

    Custom Transaction search results with an average summary type.

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