Reviewing Expense Reports

You can use the list of expense reports to review status, print, or export expense report data. You can also use the list to access individual expense report records for viewing and editing.

To review expense reports:

  1. To get to the list of expense reports:

    • In the Employee Center Home Links portlet, click the View & Edit Expense Reports link.

    • If you are logged in with a role that has the Expense Reports permission, go to Transactions > Employees > Enter Expense Reports > List.

  2. You can do the following from the Expense Reports list:

    • Click a View link to view an expense report record.

    • Click an Edit link to make changes to or delete an expense report record.

    • Click a Print link to print a single expense report record.

    • Click an Account link to view the account register.

    • Select from the dropdowns to filter the expense report records that are displayed in the list.

    • Click New to create a new expense report.

    • Click Print to print the entire list of expense reports.

    • Click Export to export expense report list data to a CSV, Excel, or PDF file.

    • Click Customize View to change the columns displayed in the list. See Customizing List Views.


If you customize the expense report list view to include a Currency column, note the following. The listed currency values correspond to base currencies for employees and may not match the actual currencies in the expense reports.

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