Migration Best Practices

Review these best practices for the migration before you start to migrate CX Sales for Microsoft 365 integration to the Oracle Sales Redwood UX for Microsoft 365 integration:

Important: Be sure to review the Best Practices for the Integration as well before migrating. In particular, be sure not to use the same email account against different instances, such as your stage environment and your production environment.
  • The integration uses Microsoft Graph APIs; therefore, you need to register a new app in Microsoft Azure with Microsoft Graph APIs permissions. See Set Up the Integration in Application Composer for more information.
  • You don't need to reschedule your Microsoft 365 Standard, Instant, Token Refresh sync processes. You can find more information about the sync processes in Review and Modify Data Synchronization Settings, Run Sync Scheduled Processes, and the section on sync in this guide.
  • During testing, the Oracle Sales for Outlook add-in (new version) can be deployed alongside the CX Sales for Microsoft 365 add-in (previous version). However, in production, you should not enable both add-ins for the same users.

    Before you deploy the new version of the application to users, you should remove the users from the CX Sales for Microsoft 365 add-in and add those users to the new Oracle Sales for Outlook add-in.

    Find more information about deploying and testing in Deploy the Add-In in Microsoft and Test the Integration.

  • Be aware that some sync settings are shared between the previous version and the Redwood UX Microsoft 365 integration. Changing them will impact both integrations. The sync jobs will run based on which add-in the user is currently signed in to:
    • If the last successful add-in the user signed into is the Oracle Sales for Outlook add-in (latest version), then the Redwood UX sync will run.
    • If the last successful add-in the user signed into is to the CX Sales for Microsoft 365 add-in (previous version), then the CX Sales for Microsoft 365 sync will run.

    See Sync Setting Differences Between Previous and New Versions for more information on the sync differences between the two versions of the add-in.

  • The Microsoft 365 Monitor displays the users who are using the Oracle Sales Redwood UX for Microsoft 365. See Use Microsoft 365 Monitor to Manage Sync and Users for more information.