Create Orchestration Steps as a Diagram

You can create the orchestration steps as a diagram. The diagram makes it easy to visualize how the different steps are linked and to view the different branches of the orchestration flow.

You must create at least one step for each orchestration stage and you must include at least one Next Stage step for every orchestration stage except the last. Creating a step involves two actions:

Before you start

Create the List of Objectives

Here's what to do

  1. Click the orchestration stage you want to set up.
  2. Click the Diagram tab on the Orchestration stage definition page.
  3. Click Add (the plus sign icon) to add a step:
    • If you're adding a node at the end of a branch or on the first node, then hover over the step until you see the plus sign.
    • If you are adding a node between two nodes, then hover over the line connecting them and click the plus sign.
  4. Select the step type.
    For step types see Types of Orchestration Steps
    Note: If you want to create failure steps, then you must first create a logic node for the previous step and add the failure step to that logic node. See the topic Add a Logic Node for Failure Paths.
  5. In Step Name, enter the name that appears in orchestration setup.
  6. Enter step description in the Suggestion Text field. The suggestion text is visible only in the step definition itself.
    Note: For manual steps, what you enter in Step Name and Suggestion Text becomes the default title and description that salespeople see in the Guidance panel. Both get copied over to the properties where you can edit them and change them. The step title and description you display at design time can be different from what you display for salespeople at runtime.
  7. If you selected Task or Appointment as the step type, then select the recommended action for the salesperson to take from the Action list.

    For example, if you're creating a task asking the salesperson to call the customer, then select the Call action. Because Call is one of the smart actions, the salesperson will see a recommendation with a Call button that they can click to call the customer. This step also creates a task to call the customer in the list of pending activities.

    If you don't select an action, then the salesperson clicks Complete to indicate the task is completed.

    Task and Appointment type steps are manual steps. You're asking the salesperson to take an action, so the Execution field shows Manual. You don't select an action for automatic steps and the Execution field shows Automatic.

    Important: To delete the value in the Action field, or in any other drop-down field, you must press either the Tab or the Return keys on your keyboard after deleting.
  8. Click Save.
    The step is added to the diagram.
  9. Click the Actions menu (three dots) on the node and select Edit Properties.
  10. Enter the step details. If the step is required to complete one of the objectives, then be sure to map the objective.

    What you enter depends on the node type you selected. For tasks, you're entering the details of the task. For appointments, the appointment details include scheduling information that the salesperson updates after they contact the customer.

    For examples of the types of steps you can create and how salespeople interact with them, see the topic Orchestration Step Examples.
  11. Click Save.

What to do next

Test an Orchestration