Creating Scorecards

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  1. Create a new scorecard to contain the scorecard objects that you must represent, evaluate, present, and analyze your corporate strategy, such as objectives, initiatives, perspectives, and so on. See "Creating a Scorecard".
  2. Create perspectives to represent your key business competencies (Financial or Research and Development, for example) that you can use to align initiatives and objectives. See Perspectives and "Creating a Custom Perspective".
  3. Create the KPIs that gather core business data (Product Sales, for example) and specify the KPI targets, target ranges, and actions. See KPI and Creating a KPI.
  4. Create the KPI watchlists that you want to use to monitor KPIs. See "KPI Watchlists"
  5. Create and arrange the objectives (goals or desired outcomes) for your entire organization, or for a department. This includes assigning the KPIs that measure the progress and performance of objectives. Note that the top-level objective (that is, the root objective) in the Strategy pane represents the entity (your entire organization or a department) that you are scorecarding. See "Objectives" and"Creating an Objective" .
  6. Create and arrange the initiatives required to meet objectives. You also can assign KPIs to initiatives. See "Initiatives" and "Creating an Initiative".
  7. Weight individual objectives and initiatives to specify how they impact the overall performance of the entity that you are scorecarding. See "Understanding Initiative or Objective Performance Assessment" and "Assigning Weights to Child Objectives, Initiatives and KPIs".
  8. Set assessment mappings. See "Defining Assessment Mappings for a Scorecard".
  9. If appropriate, override the status of KPIs, initiatives, and objectives. See "Status Overrides".
  10. Depict relationships between objectives using strategy maps, cause effect maps, strategy trees, and custom views.
  11. Create views into a scorecard based on criteria that you specify by creating smart watchlists. See "Smart Watchlists" and "Creating a Smart Watchlist".
  12. Use comments (also know as annotations) to associate explanatory text with the values of KPIs, objectives, or initiatives for a specific set of dimension values. See "Comments".
  13. Add scorecard views to dashboards. See "Adding Scorecard Objects to Dashboards".
  14. Create agents from KPIs. (Agents enable you to automate your business processes.) See Creating Agents From KPIs.
  15. Optionally define the mission and vision statements that translate your corporate direction into over-arching strategic themes and thrusts that you later support by creating objectives. See "Mission Statement", "Defining a Mission Statement", "Vision Statement", and "Defining a Vision Statement".