Compare Dates for Cycle Count using Selection Criteria

You can create cycle count task for locations that where last counted 'x' days ago. This is an example of what you are able to do now that the selection criteria rule has been expanded to have a comparison in dates based on current date. In order to compare dates, you can use the key words 'd' and 'm' where 'd' represents days and 'm' represents minutes. For example, if you need information about the location's last count time stamp in the last 10 days, you can enter d-10 in the column value of the selection criteria rule.

Or, if you need your wave order selection rules to select orders whose Ship date is 20 days older than the current date, you can enter d+20 in the column value of the selection criteria rule. Similarly, if you need to extract data in terms of minutes, you can enter m-60/m+60. The format accepted in the column value of the selection criteria rule is( d+x, d-x, dx, m+x, mx or m-x) where d is days, m is minutes, and x is the comparison number.

Compare Dates using Selection Criteria

You can compare dates using selection criteria in the following screens:

  • Putaway Type Determination Rules > Selection Criteria
  • Task Creation Template > Details> Task Selection Rules
  • Wave template> Wave Template Search > Dynamic Wave Search > Wave Order Selection Rules
    Note: The dynamic wave search rules to select orders based on stop ship date/ required ship date/ start ship date/ order hdr cust date/ or order dtl cust date fields and supports only the date column.
  • Audit Rule > Audit Selection Rule

To compare dates using any of the above screens:

  1. Navigate to any of the Selection Criteria Screens mentioned above.
  2. Choose an operation from the drop-down =,<,>,>=,<=. For example, you select <=.
  3. Select the column of "date" type or "date_time" type from the drop-down menu.
  4. Enter the value. i.e., If value = d5 (or d+5) (given current date per facility time zone is 30 April), then the orders whose ship date is 5 days from 30 April are captured.

The keyword "d" signifies the number of days and "m" signifies minutes. The Date and Minutes are the only format supported in the system. These keywords are applicable only for columns you select of type "date" and "date_ts".

For example, if the selected date or date_ts column is x days less/greater than current date, then the criteria value configured is d-<x>/ d+<x>, where, "d" signifies days, '-/+' signifies subtraction/addition, and <x> days you want your data from current date.
Note: By default, if the (-) sign is not applied, then the system adds the number of days from the current date.

The key word "m" is required to compare the data based on minutes. Use minutes (m) format if any event occurred in less than 24 hours and the requirement is to compare based on time difference from the current time.

For example, if the selected date_ts column is <x> minutes less/greater than current date_ts, then the criteria value configured is m-<x>/ m+<x>, where, "m" signifies minutes and '-/+' signifies subtraction/addition, and <x> is the minutes from current date_ts.