What's New

This section summarizes the new features of Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Release 22.1 that are documented in this guide. It provides links to more information.

New Features in Release

New features in Release

New features in Release

  • The TimesTen Operator can deploy TimesTen Scaleout grids and their associated TimesTen databases in your Kubernetes cluster. See Deploy TimesTen Scaleout Databases.

    The TimesTen Operator supports the TimesTenScaleout object type. This object type provides the syntax you need to deploy a TimesTen Scaleout grid and database. See About the TimesTenScaleout Object Type.

  • In previous releases, the TimesTen Operator required the creation of two container images, one for the Operator and one for TimesTen. In this release, one container image is used for both the Operator and TimesTen. You can create this container image or pull it from the Oracle Container Registry at container-registry.oracle.com. See Set Up the Environment.

  • When using the TimesTen Operator, the name of the Linux user that is created in the container image is timesten with a numeric UID of 3429. The name of the Linux group that is created in the container image is timesten with a GID of 3429. The timesten user is the user who runs TimesTen and the timesten group is the TimesTen users group. You can override these defaults. This lets you tailor attributes of the image to meet your requirements. See Option 2b: Build with Customizations and Dockerfile ARGs.

  • The TimesTen Operator supports the TimesTen Prometheus Exporter. You can configure your TimesTenClassic and your TimesTenScaleout objects to use the Exporter. The Exporter can then collect metrics from the TimesTen databases that are running in your Kubernetes cluster, and expose these metrics to Prometheus. See Create Your Own Oracle Wallet, Certificates, and Secrets for Exposing TimesTen Metrics.

    The TimesTen Operator provides the prometheus object type as part of the TimesTenClassic and TimesTenScaleout object type definitions. Use the prometheus object type to configure the Exporter to meet your Prometheus requirements. See TimesTenClassicSpecSpecPrometheus and TimesTenScaleoutSpecSpecPrometheus.

New features in Release

You can define a readiness probe to tell Kubernetes that a TimesTen (tt) container is ready. See About Readiness Probes for TimesTen Containers.