5 Common Controls and Actions

The Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service (Security Shield) provides a Web-based User Interface (UI) with pages where you can manage call traffic. The banner at the top of the UI is common to all Security Shield pages.

Descriptions of Common Controls and Actions

The following information describes the controls and actions that display at the top of every Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service (Security Shield) Web page.

The banner displays the Navigation, Help, Notifications, and User menu icons.

This screen capture shows the Security Shield User Interface banner.

The following list describes the icons on the banner.

This screen capture shows the navigation icon.Navigation Icon―Use to display a list of links to pages. For example,

This screen capture shows the navigation panel.

This screen capture shows the Help icon.Help Icon―Use to reach the Security Shield documentation. For example,

This screen capture shows the Help Center landing page for Security Shield documentation.

This screen capture shows the Notifications icon.Notifications Icon―Use to see a list of system notifications. When new notifications occur, the icon displays the count. For example,

This screen capture shows an example of the notifications panel.

This screen capture shows the about panel with information about your subscriptions and links to other information.Avatar Icon―Use to see information about all of your subscriptions. Click the avatar with the user's initials to open the panel. The About section includes links to other product-related information.

This screen capture

See the following topics for information about the controls and actions that are unique to each page.