Post-Event Email

The post-event email shows customers how well they performed on their last peak day relative to other similar homes and may include ways to save more energy on subsequent peak events. The email has a different appearance depending on which user experience variation the customer receives. See Customer Experience Variations for more information.

Note: If multiple peak days occur in close proximity to another, the customer results will be reported as they become available.

On this page:

Neighbor Comparison Experience

Note: The Neighbor Comparison Experience is only available for winter gas customers.

The Neighbor Comparison post-event email shows the customer their energy usage during peak hours compared with the usage of average and efficient homes that have similar characteristics. The goal is to persuade customers to improve their status by using less energy on subsequent peak days. The contents of the neighbor comparison vary depending on whether or not at least one peak event has already occurred. The following image is an example of the summer experience. You can also use it during the winter season and include the peak day definition and actionable tips related to winter.

Image of a Post-event Email


Allowable Modules: The following modules may be used in a Neighbor Comparison post-event email:

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Neighbor Rank Experience

The Neighbor Rank post-event email compares a customer's energy use to that of approximately 100 neighbors with similar homes, and then displays the customer’s numerical rank out of those neighbors. The goal is to persuade customers to improve their ranking by using less energy during subsequent peak days.

Note: The Neighbor Rank email is only available for customers who receive electricity from their utility.

The following image is an example of a Neighbor Rank post-event email during the summer season. You can also use it during the winter season to show actionable tips oriented to winter.

Image of Neighbor Rank Post-event Email

Allowable Modules: The following modules may be used in a Neighbor Rank post-event email:

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Non-AMI Gas Experience

The non-AMI post-event gas email uses static content to thank customers for participating in a peak event. Due to the absence of AMI data, the email does not include a neighbor rank or neighbor comparison module.

Note: The non-AMI email is only available for customers who receive gas from their utility.

Image of Non-AMI Post-event Gas Email

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