Starting and Stopping Unbadged Item Service Matrix

The following matrix is representative of how a field activity type profile would look for a parking lot's SP type. The following points describe the rows, columns and cells in the matrix:

  • The customer events represent the three start and stop events that may take place at the service point.
    • Start service is the event that takes place when a service point is to be started and the system has no knowledge of a related stop event.
    • Stop service is the event that takes place when a service point is to be stopped and the system has no knowledge of a related start event.
    • Start/stop service is the event that takes place when a service point is to be stopped for one customer and started for another at the same time.
  • The SP conditions represent the state of service at a service point. The following conditions are represented:
    • The source of service (the line or pipe) is either connected to the service point or disconnected.
    • If the source is disconnected, define a field activity for each potential disconnect location.
    • Notice that the SP Conditions always indicate "No Device". This is because a device (i.e., a meter or badged item) cannot be installed at this type of service point.
  • Each cell in the matrix represents a field activity to be created by the system for the combination of customer event and service point condition.

SP Condition

Customer Event:

Start Service

Customer Event:

Stop Service

Customer Event:

Start/Stop Service

No Device / SP Disconnected at pole

Connect service in parking lot

N/A - no field work is necessary because there is no lamp


No Device / SP Connected

No field activity necessary

Disconnect service in parking lot

No field activity necessary