
The Events zone displays the events that are created in the delinquency process. It contains the following columns:

Column Name Column Description
Trigger Date Displays the trigger date of the event.
Delinquency Event Type Displays the delinquency event type.
Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Delinquency Event Type screen appears where you can view the details of the delinquency event type.
Event Status Indicates the event status. The valid values are:
  • Completed

  • Pending

  • Pending Evaluation

  • Pending Contact Creation

  • Skipped

Preview Date Displays the date from when the preview status of the event is set to In Progress.

The event’s preview status remains as In Progress till the event is triggered. Once the event is triggered, the event’s preview status is updated to Completed.

The system calculates the preview date based on preview days. The preview date is calculated using the following formula:
Preview Date = Trigger Date - Preview Days
Event Preview Status Indicates the preview status of the event. The valid values are:
  • Completed

  • In Progress

  • Not Required

  • Pending Evaluation

  • Pending

Status Update Displays the date when the status of the event was last updated.
Trigger Event On clicking the Trigger Event (The Trigger Icon) icon, the following process takes place:

The system invokes the Monitor Completed Event algorithm of the last completed event, if there is any. If the Monitor Completed Event algorithm returns with a false value, the system displays a warning message with a confirmation dialog box. If you click Yes, the system simply triggers the current event. If there are no pending events or if the last completed event does not contain the Monitor Completed Event algorithm, the system triggers the current event.

Now, while triggering the event, the system performs the following actions:
  • The Event Activation algorithm is invoked.

  • The event status is updated from Pending to Completed.

  • The Status Update column is updated with the processing date and user ID.

Skip Event On clicking the Skip Event (The Skip Event Icon) icon, the system performs the following actions:
  • The event status is updated from Pending to Skipped.

  • The Status Update column is updated with the processing date and user ID.

Edit Trigger Date On clicking the Edit Trigger Date (The Edit Trigger Date Icon) icon, the Delinquency Process Update Event Trigger Date screen appears where you can set the new trigger date.
Approval In Progress Indicates whether the event is assigned to an approver for an approval. The valid values are:
  • Yes

  • No