Delinquency Process (Used for Viewing)

The Delinquency Process screen allows you to:

  • Edit the details of a delinquency process

  • View the additional attributes of a delinquency process

  • View the bills of a delinquency process

  • View the events of a delinquency process

  • View the approval details of a delinquency process

  • View the hold details of a delinquency process

  • Approve or reject the manual actions performed on a delinquency process

  • Withdraw the manual actions performed on a delinquency process

  • Cancel a delinquency process

  • Hold a delinquency process

  • Release a delinquency process

  • Request reinstatement of a delinquency process for a group membership

    Note: Reinstatement is not applicable for Individual Delinquency purposes.
  • View the log of a delinquency process

  • Add a log entry for a delinquency process

It consists of the following zones:

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How to view the details of a delinquency process Viewing the Delinquency Process Details

Parent topic: Individual Delinquency