Installation Options - Account

Select Admin Menu, Installation Options and use the Account tab to define account-specific installation options.

Description of Page

When a new account is added, the system requires it have a customer class. If the main customer linked to the account is a human (as defined by the customer's person type), the system defaults the customer class defined in Customer Class (Person). For persons that are businesses (as defined by the person type), the system defaults the customer class defined in Customer Class (Business). For more information, refer to Setting Up Customer Classes.

In addition to requiring a customer class when a new customer is added, the system also requires a "main customer" (i.e., a reference to a person who is identified as the main customer for the account). Enter the default Account Relationship Type Code to be used to define the main customer relationship. For more information, refer to Setting Up Account Relationship Codes.

Enter the default Bill Route Type to be used to define how bills should be routed to a customer. For more information, refer to Setting Up Bill Route Types.

Enter the default Quote Route Type to be used to define how quotes should be routed to a customer. For more information, refer to Setting Up Quote Route Types.

If the number of pending start and pending stop contracts exceeds the Start Stop Detail Threshold for an account, it is considered a large account for start stop purposes. Refer to Start/Stop Maintenance for more information.