Installation Options - Main

Select Admin Menu, Installation Options and use the Main tab to define system-wide installation options.

Description of Page

Use Quick Add Tender Type to define the tender type defaulted on payments added using the Payment Quick Add transaction.

Use Starting Balance Tender Type to define the tender type of the starting balance recorded on your tender controls (this will almost always be the tender type associated with "cash"). This value is used during tender control balancing as a separate balance is required for each tender type in order to balance a tender control. Refer to The Lifecycle Of A Tender Control for more information.

Fastpath: For more information, refer to Setting Up Tender Types.

If you use orders to create new customers, define the Campaign that should be defaulted on orders created when the order transaction is opened for a new customer. Refer to Real time Marketing of Services to a New Customer for more information.

The Alternate Representation flag should be set to None unless your organization uses multiple character sets for a person's main name. Alternate representations are typically only used in countries where multiple character sets are used. For example,

  • In Hong Kong, a person's name may be written in both Chinese characters and in English.
  • In Japan, a person's name may be written in both Kanji and Katakana.

In both of the above situations, users need to be able to use both representations to find a customer.

If you want to use alternate representation for a person's primary name, set this flag to Name.

The following points describe the ramifications of this flag in the system:

  • If you support alternate representations of a person's primary name,
    • The name grid on Person - Main allows you to specify an Alternate name for the person.

    • If you use the base package name formatting algorithm, a person's name will be shown throughout most of the system in the format AAA (BBB), where AAA is the person's primary name and BBB is the person's alternate name. Note, this format does not apply to names that appear in search results (i.e., the alternate name is not concatenated to the main name in search results; however you can search for information using the alternate name).

    • Most of the system's person name-oriented searches will allow users to use both a person's primary and alternate names to search for information.

Set the CTI Integration flag to Yes if your organization integrates with an external computer telephony integration (CTI) system that supports a "get next caller in the queue" function. If this flag is set to Yes, then Next Call button will appear in the action toolbar allowing customer service representatives to request the next customer waiting in the queue to speak to a CSR.

CAUTION: In order to improve response times, installation options are cached the first time they are used after a web server is started. If you change this field's option and you don't want to wait for the cache to rebuild, you must clear the cached information so it will be immediately rebuilt using current information. Refer to Caching Overview for information on how to clear the system login cache (this is the cache in which installation options are stored).