Installation Options - C&C

Select Admin Menu, Installation Options and use the C&C tab to define credit and collections-specific installation options.

Description of Page

When you look at an account or contract's debt, the system shows the respective age of each piece of outstanding debt. The Oldest Bucket Age (Days) defines the debt age after which the system groups all outstanding debt together. For example, if this field is 180:

  • The exact age of each element of debt that is less than 180 days old would be shown as a separate line item in the aged debt information.
  • All debt older than 180 days would be amalgamated into a single "bucket".

Oldest Bucket Age (Days) also has another use - it defines the age of financial transactions that are considered by the background process that marks old debt as "redundant". This batch process is referred to by the batch code of REDSAAMT. Please refer to Process What's Ready Background Processes for more information about this process.

CAUTION: If you change the value of Oldest Bucket Age (Days) after debt has been marked as "redundant" by REDSAAMT, the system will NOT re-age the old debt (i.e., once a financial transaction has been marked as "redundant", it is "redundant" forever).

Enter what you consider to be an excellent credit rating in Beginning Credit Rating. Collection events can cause an account's credit rating to decrease. When an account's credit rating falls below a certain level, different collection processes may ensue.

Use Beginning Cash-Only Score to define the cash-only score for accounts with a perfect payment history (i.e., one without non-sufficient funds). When you cancel a payment tender and use a cancellation reason marked as NSF, the system will cause the account's cash-only score to increase by the value on the payment cancellation reason.

Use Credit Rating Threshold to define when an account's credit rating becomes risky. When an account's credit rating falls beneath the Credit Rating Threshold, the system will:

Use Cash-Only Threshold to define the number of cash-only points a customer must have before the system warns the CSR accepting payments that the account is cash-only.