Process What's Ready Processes

Some background processes create and update records that are "ready for processing". The definition of "ready" differs for every process. For example,

  • The bill cycle process produces bills for all accounts belonging to open bill cycles.
  • The account debt monitor process analyzes the debt associated with all accounts whose review date is on or before the business date.
  • The process that activates pending stop and pending start contract's attempts to activate all contracts that aren't already activated.

Processes of this type tend to use a business date in their determination of what's ready. For example, the bill cycle process creates bills for all bill cycles whose bill window is open (i.e., where the business date is between the bill cycle's start and end date). If the requester of the process does not supply a specific business date, the system assumes that the current system date should be used. If you need to use a date other than the current date, simply supply the desired date when you request the batch process.

The following table lists the various background processes that are used to process the records which are ready for processing:
Batch Control ID Program Name Description Multiple Threads Extra Parameters Error Generates To Do Records Between Commits / Minutes Between Cursor Re-Initiation

This process marks each auto pay download staging record with the batch control associated with its auto-pay source's route type. It also stamps the respective batch control's current run number on each record.

Note: The APAYACH/C1-APACH background processes use the information on this staging table to create the flat file that is used to interface information to the ACH. The BALAPY background process uses the information on this staging table to create automatic payment tender controls.

Refer to Activating Automatic Payments for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15

The account debt monitor analyzes all accounts whose C&C review date is on or before the supplied business date. Refer to The C&C Monitors for more information.

The input parameter controls how the trigger date is set on collection events that are created by this process. Refer to Calendar vs Work Days for more information about your date arithmetic options.



MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 100/15

The account debt monitor analyzes all accounts who have not been analyzed in the last X days (where X is the Days Between Review defined on the account's customer class). Refer to The C&C Monitors for more information.

The input parameter controls how the trigger date is set on collection events that are created by this process. Refer to Calendar vs Work Days for more information about your date arithmetic options.



MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 100/15

This process creates automatic payments for bills whose automatic payment creation has been deferred until the extract date. This extract date is stamped on the bill and is used by this background process to select all bills whose automatic payment extract date is on or before the supplied business date. It calls the automatic payment creation algorithm plugged in on the installation record to create the automatic payments. Note that the algorithm supplied does not distribute and freeze the automatic payments that are created. This is handled by the complementary background process APAYDSFR.

Refer to Installation Options - Billing and Automatic Payments for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 300/15

This process distributes and freezes automatic payments whose distribution date (indicated on the download staging record) is on or before the supplied business date. Payments that have been distributed (e.g., manually) are frozen if the above criterion is satisfied.

This job complements the APAYCRET background process and the PPAPAY background process when the Autopay Creation Option on the installation record is set to Create on Extract Date.

Refer to Installation Options - Billing and Automatic Payments for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 300/15
ASSGNSBN CIPBASBB This process allocates completed bills a sequential bill number. You need only schedule this job if your organization assigns sequential bill numbers. Please refer to Sequential Bill Numbers for important information about this job and why it may not be necessary if you single-thread the BILLING background process. No

MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 1/ not applicable

This process creates a new tender control (with an associated deposit control) for each batch control and run number encountered for extracted automatic payments that are not already linked to a tender control.

Afterwards, this process balances the open tender and deposit control records.

Note: Automatic payment staging records are activated by the ACTVTAPY process and extracted by either APAYACH or C1-APACH.

Refer to Creating Automatic Payment Tender Controls for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15

This process assigns the Pending balance control group to new FT's (i.e., those without a balance control group).

Refer to The Big Picture of Balance Control for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

No 200/15

This process creates a Pending balance control group if one doesn't already exist.

Refer to The Big Picture of Balance Control for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

No N/A (only 1 record is inserted)

The balance control snapshot and verification process has two functions:

1. It summarizes the number and value of the financial transactions on the current Pending balance control group record.

2. It verifies the financial integrity of your system.



MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

No 200/15

The value of the VERIFY-ONLY-SW parameter controls which of these functions is performed:

- If VERIFY-ONLY-SW = "N", the system summarizes the new financial transactions under the current Pending balance control and verifies that the balances summarized on every historical balance control group are consistent with the financial transactions associated with this balance control group (i.e., it checks the financial integrity of the system).

- If VERIFY-ONLY-SW = "G", the system only summarizes the new financial transactions under the current Pending balance control (i.e., the verification step is not performed).

- If VERIFY-ONLY-SW = "Y", the system verifies that the balances summarized on every historical balance control group are consistent with the financial transactions associated with this balance control group (i.e., it checks the financial integrity of the system).

Note: You may want to use the VERIFY-ONLY-SW parameter to improve system performance. For example, you can generate the balance control summary nightly (run the process with the switch set to "G") and validate the balance control summaries weekly (run the process with the switch set to "Y").

Refer to The Big Picture of Balance Control for more information.


The first phase of the billable charge upload staging process validates and defaults information on to billable charge upload staging records.

Refer to Billable Charge Upload Background Processes for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

No N/A

The second phase of the billable charge upload staging process creates billable charges for the new billable charge upload staging records.

Refer to Billable Charge Upload Background Processes for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

No 200/15

The bill cycle process creates bills for accounts with an "open" bill cycle.

Refer to Batch Billing for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 100/15

The budget monitor analyzes all customers with a budget plan and highlights those where the current budget amount is out-of-sync with the recommended budget amount.

Refer to Budget Billing for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15

The budget true up process periodically trues up customers on a budget plan.

Refer to Budget Billing for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15

The overdue monitor uses your overdue rules to collect overdue debt. Refer to How Does The Overdue Monitor Work? for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 2000/15
C1-CSTRS CIPQTRCB The case scheduled transition process transitions cases to a nominated next status or transition condition at a scheduled time. The process selects all open cases whose current status is linked to the process' batch control code and are allowed to transition from their current status to the chosen next status or condition (i.e. where a corresponding transition rule exists for the case type/status combination) based on the input algorithm parameters. Yes

NEXT-STATUS-CD (Next Status Code)

NEXT-TR-COND-FLG (Next Transition Condition)

MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15

The overdue event manager activates all overdue events whose trigger date is on or before the supplied business date. Refer to How and When Events Are Activated for more information. This process also has the responsibility of recursively activating later events that are dependent on the completion of earlier events.

For overdue events that are in the Wait state, this process runs the associated waiting algorithm for the event type to determine if the object the event is waiting for is complete (and then triggering the dependent events when it completes).

Populate an Overdue Process Template in the input parameter to limit the processing to overdue processes for this template.


OD-PROC-TMP-CD (Optional)

MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 2000/15

This is the first of three background processes that load the contents of the payment event upload staging records into the various payment tables.

It first creates new deposit and tender control records, and then updates the payment event upload staging records with the corresponding Tender Control ID.

Next, it processes each incomplete record as follows: It updates the record's Tender Account ID with the account ID returned by the Determine Tender Account algorithm defined on the distribution rule . If the Pay Event Process ID field is not populated, it is set equal to the tender account ID. If no error was encountered, it transitions the record from to Pending.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 300/15

Refer to Interfacing Payments Using Distribution Rules for more information.


This is the second of three background processes that load the contents of the payment event upload staging records into the various payment tables.

The responsibility of this process is to create payment events, payment tenders and payments and transition the corresponding staging records from Pending to Complete.

Refer to Interfacing Payments Using Distribution Rules for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 300/15

This is the last of three background processes that load the contents of the payment event upload staging records into the various payment tables.

The responsibility of this process is to update the status of the related deposit and tender controls from open to balanced.

Refer to Interfacing Payments Using Distribution Rules for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

No 300/15

This process does two things:

It sets the trigger date of workflow events for the input workflow process template that are dependent on the completion of earlier workflow events.

It activates all workflow events for the input workflow process template whose trigger date is on or before the supplied business date.

This background process is the same code used for WFET. It is used for the batch scheduling functionality.

Refer to Workflow Event Dependencies for more information.


WF-PROC-TMPL-CD (Workflow Process Template)

MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

No 200/15

This batch process is responsible for creating customer contacts (letters) for contract characteristics that are about to expire.

It finds contracts with the indicated Characteristic Type and Value that will expire within Threshold Days and creates the indicated type of customer contact.

Note. The Threshold Days are calendar days.


CHAR-TYPE-CD (Characteristic Type Code)

CHAR-VAL (Characteristic Type Value)

THRES-DAYS (Threshold Days)

CC-CLASS (Customer Contact Class)

CC-TYPE (Customer Contact Type)

MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15

This batch process is responsible for calling the algorithm that determines if a case should be transitioned to a new state. Refer to Automatic Transition Rules for the details.

If Restrict To Case Type Code is specified, only cases of this type will be analyzed to determine if they should be transitioned to a new state.

If Restrict To Case Status Code is specified, only cases in this status will be analyzed to determine if they should be transitioned to a new state. Note, if this parameter is specified, a Restrict To Case Type Code must also be defined.


CASE-TYPE-CD (Restrict To Case Type Code)

CASE-STATUS-CD (Restrict To Case Status Code)

MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15

The collection event trigger activates all collection events whose trigger date is on or before the supplied business date. Refer to How Are Collection Events Completed for more information.

Refer to Calendar vs Work Days for more information about your date arithmetic options.



MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 100/60

The close quotes process closes all quotes whose expiration date is on / before the business date.

The PROP-SA-ACTION parameter controls whether the proposal contracts linked to the quote's quote details should be marked as declined or cancelled. If you indicate the proposal contracts should be declined, you must also use PROP-DCL-RSN-CD to define the declination reason code to be updated on the contract's.




MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 300/15

The collection process monitor removes contracts from collection processes when they have sufficient credits. It will also cancel a collection process when all of its contracts have been removed.

Refer to The C&C Monitors for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 100/60

The deposit interest refund process calculates the deposit amount for contracts whose contract type has a special role of "cash deposit".


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15

The deposit refund process refunds deposits to a customer when the customer satisfies the refund criteria.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15

The deposit review process highlights accounts that require an additional deposit.

Provide an input Deposit Class to optionally restrict the review to accounts that have contracts belonging to that class.


DEP-CL-CD (Optional)

MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15
GLASSIGN CIPFGLAB The GL account number assignment process assigns GL account numbers to the GL details associated with financial transactions. Refer to The GL Interface for more information. Yes

MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15

The create general ledger download staging process creates a download staging record for every financial transaction that is ready for download.

This process populates the FT / Batch Process table with the unique ID of all financial transactions to be interfaced to the general ledger. This process marks each staging record with the GL interface's batch process ID (defined on the installation record). It also stamps the respective batch control's current run number on each record.

Note: The GLDL background process uses the information on this staging table to create the consolidated journal entries that are interfaced to your general ledger.

Refer to The GL Interface for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

No 200/15

This process derives interval data for accounts in the system. Only accounts that have at least one interval contract with derivable profiles linked to it are processed. A 'derivable' profile is an Contract Owned profile where this contract is the owner AND the profile type indicates an "Interval Data Creation" derivation algorithm. Interval data for contracts linked to the Account are derived in Process Priority order as defined on their contract Type. For each contract, the Interval Data Creation algorithms are executed in creation priority order.

The standard batch parameter business date will be used by the system to determine until what date to generate data for.


FORCE-DERIVE-SW (Indicates whether this is a forced derivation - optional.)

FRCE-DRV-START-DT (Start date YYYY-MM-DD for forcing derivation - optional)

MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

No 1/15

Use the Force Derive Switch parameter to indicate that you are forcing derivation. Use the Force Derive Start Date to indicate the starting point for the forced derivation.


This process derives Variance Parameter map data for accounts in the system. Only accounts that have at least one interval contract with derivable Variance Parameter maps linked to it are processed. A 'derivable' map is an Contract Owned map where this contract is the owner AND the map type indicates a "Variance Parameter Data Creation" algorithm. Variance Parameter map data for contracts linked to the Account are derived in Process Priority order as defined on their contract type. For each contract, the Variance Parameter Map Creation algorithms are executed in creation priority order.


FORCE-DERIVE-SW (Indicates whether this is a forced derivation - optional.)

FRCE-DRV-START-DT (Start date YYYY-MM-DD for forcing derivation - optional)

MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

No 1/15

The standard batch parameter business date will be used by the system to determine until what date to generate data for.

Use the Force Derive Switch parameter to indicate that you are forcing derivation. Use the Force Derive Start Date to indicate the starting point for the forced derivation.


This process is used to validate interval profile data. It processes interval profiles that were created up to the cutoff date/time and executes their validation algorithms, if any, defined on their profile type. The algorithms are executed one after the other in their predefined sequence order.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

No 50/15

The Determine Profile For Profile Datasets process attempts to link interval profile data sets to an appropriate profile. It tries to find an interval profile with the same external ID as the one defined on the dataset. Use the Start External ID and End External ID parameters if you only want to process records in that range of Ids.

Only profile data sets in pending status that are not already associated with a profile are processed.


START-EXT-ID (Start External ID - optional)

END-EXT-ID (End External ID- optional)

MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

No 50/15

The Interval Register Data Validation process is used to validate interval register data. It processes interval registers that were created up to the cutoff date/time and executes their validation algorithms, if any, defined on their interval register type. The algorithms are executed one after the other in their predefined sequence order.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

No 50/15

The Determine Register For Register Data Sets process attempts to link interval register data sets to an appropriate interval register. It tries to find an interval register with the same external ID as the one defined on the dataset. Use the Start External ID and End External ID parameters if you only want to process records in that range of Ids.

Only interval register data sets in pending status that are not already associated with a register are processed.


START-EXT-ID (Start External ID - optional)

END-EXT-ID (End External ID- optional)

MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

No 50/15

The late payment generator creates late payment charges when an account doesn't pay a bill by the end of the grace period.

Refer to How Late Payment Charges Get Calculated for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 100/15

The NBB scheduled payment autopay create process creates autopay records for any scheduled non-billed budget payments where the account is set up for autopay and the non-billed budget is not excluded from autopay.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 300/ not applicable

The non-billed budget scheduled payment process performs processing for scheduled payment records with a payment date on or before the process business date.

If the scheduled payment processing is successful or was not required (i.e. for unmonitored non-billed budgets), the process deletes the current scheduled payment.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 300/15

This process creates automatic payments on the scheduled payment date by calling the automatic payment creation algorithm plugged in on the installation record. Note, automatic payments are only created if:

1) the account has indicated that they pay automatically

2) the payment method on the promise to pay indicates automatic payment should be performed.

Note that the automatic payment creation algorithm supplied does not distribute and freeze the automatic payments that are created if the Autopay Creation Option on the installation record is set to Create on Extract Date. The background process APAYDSFR handles this.

Refer to The Big Picture Of Promise To Pay and Automatic Payments for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15

This batch process is responsible for monitoring all active payment plans.

It looks for payments made by the promise to pay's payor and for contracts in the same debt class as the promise to pay's debt class. It uses these payments to logically offset the promise to pay's scheduled payments.

This batch process determines if a promise to pay has been kept, broken or remains active.

An ADM trigger is stored for those accounts whose promise to pay have been broken.

Refer to The Promise To Pay Monitor for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15

The upload payments process creates payment events, payments, and tenders using the records in the various payment staging tables.

Refer to Interfacing Payments From External Sources for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

No 100/15

The resolve payments in error process attempts to resolve the following payment errors automatically:

A valid account was found but no active contract exists.

Refer to Resolving Exceptions Automatically for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

No 200/15

This batch process accumulates the total amount paid towards charity contracts in the past year (for each account). If the resultant amount is greater than zero, a temporary bill message will be added to the account.

SA-TYPE-CD defines the contract type of your charitable contribution contracts. Note, this is the contract Type code without the Division. All contracts with this contract Type, regardless of Division, will be processed.

START-DT is the start date of the financial year in which payments should be accumulated.

END-DT is the end date of the financial year in which payments should be accumulated.


SA-TYPE-CD. This is the contract type of the charitable contribution contracts.

START-DT. It should be entered in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

END-DT. This should be entered in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

No 200/15

BILL-MSG-CD is the code of the bill message that will be added to the customer's bill. Note, your bill message code should have two parameters: the tax year and the total amount of contributions. For example, Thank you for your charitable contributions in %1 for %2, please keep this bill for tax purposes. The tax year is derived from the year in the START-DT parameter.

ACCT-ID should be zero if this processing should happen for all accounts in the system. If this parameter is non-zero, this process will be limited to the supplied ACCT-ID



MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Use ADJ-TYPE-CD1 and CD2 to indicate adjustments whose FTs should be ignored when calculating the contribution amount. This allows you to make adjustments to the charitable contribution contract that are not included in the calculation.

(Note: in California, this program is referred to as REACH - Relief for Energy Assistance through Community Help.)



REDSAAMT CIPFFTRB This process looks for financial transactions linked to each contract that are older than X days (where X is defined on the installation record) that sum to zero. If it finds such FTs, it marks them as "redundant". Redundant FTs do not have to be accessed by the various SQL statements that accumulate an account or contract's balance. Yes

MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 100/10

The contract activation process updates pending start and pending stop contracts.

Refer to The System Activates Most Contracts Behind The Scenes for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15

The stop expired contract process initiates the stop for all active contracts where the expiration date is on or before the process date.

For more information, refer to Expiring Contracts.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 300/ not applicable

The contract renewal process renews all active contracts that are due for renewal (i.e. where the renewal date is populated and is less than or equal to the process date).

For more information, refer to Renewing Contracts.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 300/15

This process creates statements for statement construct records with a pending statement cycle whose processing date has been reached.

Refer to Create Statements for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15

This workflow waiting process Completes a workflow event that has been in the Waiting state for longer than X days (X is defined in a parameter supplied to the background process).

Refer to Waiting Events And Their Waiting Processes for more information.



MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15

This workflow waiting process Fails a workflow event that has been in the Waiting state for longer than X days (X is defined in a parameter supplied to the background process).

Refer to Waiting Events And Their Waiting Processes for more information.



MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15

This workflow waiting process monitors the Notification Upload Staging Response (stored as a context entry) of a notification download staging record that was created as a result of a workflow event. If a Response of Accept appears, the associated event is marked as Complete. If a Response of Reject appears, the associated event is marked as Failed. This process will Fail the workflow event if the event has been in the Waiting state for longer the X days (X is defined in a parameter supplied to the background process).

Refer to Waiting Events And Their Waiting Processes for more information.



MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15

The write-off event trigger activates all write-off events whose trigger date is on or before the supplied business date.

Refer to The Big Picture Of Write-Off Events for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15

This process does two things:

It sets the trigger date of workflow events that are dependent on the completion of earlier workflow events.

It activates all workflow events whose trigger date is on or before the supplied business date. If the input Workflow Process Template is populated, only events for workflow processes with that template are processed.

Refer to Workflow Event Dependencies for more information.


WF-PROC-TMPL-CD (Workflow Process Template - optional)

MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

No 200/15

The workflow process initiation process creates a workflow process to handle a notification upload staging record.

Refer to How Are Workflow Processes Created for more information.


MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 200/15

The write-off monitor analyzes all accounts with finalized, unpaid contracts. Refer to The Write Off Monitor for more information.

The input parameter controls how the trigger date is set on write-off events that are created by this process. Refer to Calendar vs Work Days for more information about your date arithmetic options.



MAX-ERRORS = Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.

Yes 100/15

Please refer to Column Descriptions for more information on the columns used in the table above.