Defining an Age Based Pricing Rule Type


To define an age based pricing rule type, you should have:

  • Age based pricing rule type business object defined in the application.

  • Age based pricing rule business object defined in the application.

  • Pricing rule type category for the age based defined in the application.


To define an age based pricing rule type:

  1. Click the Admin link in the Application toolbar.
    A list appears.
  2. From the Admin menu, select P and then click Pricing Rule Type.
    A sub-menu appears.
  3. Click the Add option from the Pricing Rule Type sub-menu.

    The Select Business Object screen appears. It contains the following field:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Pricing Rule Type Business Object Used to indicate the business object using which you want to create an age based pricing rule type.
    Note: You can create an age based pricing rule type using the Age Based Pricing Rule Type business object.
    Tip: Alternatively, you can access this screen by clicking the Add button in the Page Title area of the Pricing Rule Type screen.
  4. Select the Age Based Pricing Rule Type option from the Pricing Rule Type Business Object list.
  5. Click OK.

    The Age Based Pricing Rule Type screen appears. It contains the following sections:

    • Main - Used to specify basic details about an age based pricing rule type.

    • Related Pricing Rule Type - Used to define the pricing rule types which are related to the age based pricing rule type.

      Note: The Related Pricing Rule Type section appears when the Primary check-box is selected.
    • Algorithms - Used to associate the algorithms with an age based pricing rule type.

    • Price Items - Used to add the price items for which you can define the age based pricing rules using the age based pricing rule type.

    • Price Item Parameters - Used to add the price item parameters based on which you want to define the price item pricing.

    • Characteristics - Used to define the characteristics for an age based pricing rule type.

    • Event Management - Used to configure the audit in an age based pricing rule type.

    • Age Based Specific Additional Data - Used to define the age based specific additional data in an age based pricing rule type.

    • Attribute Characteristic Mapping - Used to map a characteristic attribute in an age based pricing rule type.

    The Main section contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Pricing Rule Type Used to specify an age based pricing rule type. Yes
    Description Used to specify the description for an age based pricing rule type. Yes
    Detailed Description Used to specify additional information about an age based pricing rule type. No
    Pricing Rule Business Object Used to indicate the business object using which you want to create an age based pricing rule type. The valid value is:
    • Age Based Pricing Rule

    Business Object Indicates the business object using which you are defining an age based pricing rule type. Not applicable
    Status Used to indicate the status of an age based pricing rule type. The valid values are:
    • Active

    • Inactive

    Primary Used to select the checkbox if the pricing rule type is primary. No
    Skip Non-Members Used to select the checkbox when you want the system to only consider the eligible members and not non-members of the active employee coverage membership during age based premium calculation. No
    Pricing Rule Type Category Used to indicate the category to which the pricing rule type belongs. The valid value is:
    • Age Based

  6. Enter the required details in the Main section.
  7. Add the related pricing rule types in the age based pricing rule type, if required.
    Note: The Related Pricing Rule Type section appears when the Primary check-box is selected.
  8. Associate the required algorithms with the age based pricing rule type.
  9. Add the required price items in an age based pricing rule type.
  10. Add the price item parameters in an age based pricing rule type, if required.
  11. Define characteristics for an age based pricing rule type, if required.
  12. Configure the audit in an age based pricing rule type.
  13. Define an age based specific additional data in an age based pricing rule type.
  14. Map a characteristic attribute in an age based pricing rule type
  15. Click Save.
    The age based pricing rule type is defined.

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