Defining a Pass-Through Billable Charge Pricing Rule Type


To define a pass-through billable charge pricing rule type, you should have:

  • Pass-through billable charge pricing rule type business object defined in the application.

  • Pass-through billable charge pricing rule business object defined in the application.


To define a pass-through billable charge pricing rule type:

  1. Click the Admin link in the Application toolbar.
    A list appears.
  2. From the Admin menu, select P and then click Pricing Rule Type.
    A sub-menu appears.
  3. Click the Add option from the Pricing Rule Type sub-menu.

    The Select Business Object screen appears. It contains the following field:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Pricing Rule Type Business Object Used to indicate the business object using which you want to create a pass-through billable charge pricing rule type.
    Note: You can create a pass-through billable charge pricing rule type using the Pass-Through Billable Charge Pricing Rule Type (C1-FIPassthroughBcRuleType) business object.
    Tip: Alternatively, you can access this screen by clicking the Add button in the Page Title area of the Pricing Rule Type screen.
  4. Select the Pass-Through Billable Charge Pricing Rule Type option from the Pricing Rule Type Business Object list.
  5. Click OK.

    The Pass-Through Billable Charge Pricing Rule Type screen appears. It contains the following sections:

    • Main - Used to specify basic details about the pass-through billable charge pricing rule type.

    • Algorithms - Used to associate the algorithms with the pass-through billable charge pricing rule type.

    • Price Items - Used to add the price items for which you can define the pass-through billable charge pricing rules using the age based pricing rule type.

    • Price Item Parameters - Used to add the price item parameters based on which you want to define the price item pricing.

    • Characteristics - Used to define the characteristics for the pass-through billable charge pricing rule type.

    The Main section contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Pricing Rule Type Used to specify the pass-through billable charge pricing rule type. Yes
    Description Used to specify the description for the pass-through billable charge pricing rule type. Yes
    Detailed Description Used to specify additional information about the pass-through billable charge pricing rule type. No
    Pricing Rule Business Object Used to indicate the business object using which you want to create the pass-through billable charge pricing rule type. The valid value is:
    • Pass-Through Billable Charge Pricing Rule

    Business Object Indicates the business object using which you are defining the pass-through billable charge pricing rule type. Not applicable
    Status Used to indicate the status of the pass-through billable charge pricing rule type. The valid values are:
    • Active

    • Inactive

    Pricing Rule Type Category Used to indicate the category to which the pricing rule type belongs. The valid value is:
    • Pass-Through Billable Charge

  6. Enter the required details in the Main section.
  7. Associate the required algorithms with the pass-through billable charge pricing rule type.
  8. Add the required price items in the pass-through billable charge pricing rule type.
  9. Add the price item parameters in the pass-through billable charge pricing rule type, if required.
  10. Define characteristics for the pass-through billable charge pricing rule type, if required.
  11. Click Save.
    The pass-through billable charge pricing rule type is defined.

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