Inbound Message Type

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing allows you to define an inbound message type using which you can create an inbound message through an inbound web service. The following table describes the significance of the respective inbound message type:

Inbound Message Type Helps the system to determine...
Health Care Inbound Message Type (C1-HCInboundMsgType)
  • Inbound Message Business Object - The business object using which the health care inbound message should be created in the system.

  • Customer Registration Type - The customer registration type using which the customer registration object should be created through a health care inbound message.

Health Product Health Plan Inbound Message Type (C1-HCProdHlthPlnInboundTyp)
  • Inbound Message Business Object - The business object using which the health product and plan inbound message should be created in the system.

  • Health Product Business Object - The business object using which the health product should be created in the system.

  • Health Plan Business Object - The business object using which the health plan should be created in the system.

Individual Inbound Message Type (C1-IndHCInboundMsgType)
  • Inbound Message Business Object - The business object using which the health care inbound message should be created in the system.

  • Person Business Object - The business object using which the individual customer should be created in the system.

  • Account Business Object - The business object using which the individual customer's account should be created in the system.

  • Individual Membership Business Object - The business object using which the individual membership should be created in the system.

  • Benefits Business Object - The business object using which the individual membership benefits should be created in the system.

  • Address Business Object - The business object using which the address should be created in the system.

  • Statement Construct Business Object - The business object using which the statement construct should be created in the system.

The Inbound Message Type screen allows you to define, edit, copy, and delete an inbound message type. It contains the following zones:

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How to define an inbound message type Defining an Inbound Message Type
How to edit an inbound message type Editing an Inbound Message Type
How to copy an inbound message type Copying an Inbound Message Type
How to delete an inbound message type Deleting an Inbound Message Type
How to view the details of an inbound message type Viewing the Inbound Message Type Details

Parent topic: Inbound Message