Health Product and Plan Inbound Message

On calling the C1-HCProdHlthPlnInboundMessage or C1-HCProdHlthPlnInboundMes web service, you can define a health product and plan inbound message using a health product and plan inbound message type. The C1-HCProdHlthPlnInboundMessage is a SOAP service which helps to create a health product, health plan, and pricing rule for a health plan through an inbound message, whereas the C1-HCProdHlthPlnInboundMes is a RESTful service which helps to create and edit a health product, health plan, and pricing rule for a health plan through an inbound message.

You can define a health product and plan inbound message type using the Health Product and Plan Inbound Message Type (C1-HCProdHlthPlnInboundTyp) business object through the Inbound Message Type screen. The health product and plan inbound message type business object encapsulates the following information:

  • A business object using which you want to create the health product when the health product and plan inbound message is processed.

  • A business object using which you want to create the health plan when the health product and plan inbound message is processed.

The health product and plan inbound message type helps the system to determine:

  • Inbound Message Business Object - The business object using which the health product and plan inbound message should be created in the system. You must specify the Health Product and Plan Inbound Message (C1-HCProdHlthPlnInbound) business object in the health product and plan inbound message type. The health product and plan inbound message business object enables you to create and edit the following entities for a fully-insured individual customer through an inbound web service:

    • Health Product

    • Health Plan

    • Health Plan Pricing Rules

    Note: You can create or update the above entities either through a single or separate health product and plan inbound messages.
  • Health Care Product Business Object - The business object using which health product should be created in the system. You must specify the Health Care Product (C1-HealthcareProduct) business object in the health product and plan inbound message type.

  • Health Plan Business Object - The business object using which health plan should be created in the system. You must specify the Health Plan (C1-HealthPlan) business object in the health product and plan inbound message type.

On calling the C1-HCProdHlthPlnInboundMessage or C1-HCProdHlthPlnInboundMes web service, a batch named C1-HCPHP checks whether there are any health product and plan inbound messages in the Pending status. If there is a health product and plan inbound message in the Pending status, the batch changes the status of the health product and plan inbound message to the default next status (i.e. Validation). Then, the algorithm attached to the Validation status is triggered. If the validation is successful, the system changes the status of the health product and plan inbound message to Processing. Then, the algorithm attached to the Processing status is triggered. If the processing is successful, the system creates or updates the entities, such as health product, health plan, pricing rules for the health plan, and then changes the status of the health product and plan inbound message to Processed.

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Parent Topic: Inbound Message