
To setup the discount charge pricing for retiree membership, you need to do the following:

  • Define the Discount Charge Pricing Rule Type (C1-PrcRuleTypeDisChg) business object in the system.

  • Define the Discount Charge Pricing Rule (C1-PricingRuleDiscount) business object in the system.

  • Define the Discount Charge pricing rule type category in the system.

  • Define the required algorithms in the system.

  • Define the required price items and price item parameters in the system.

  • Define the required rate options in the Rate Option (C1-ExtLookRetTypeRateOpt) extendable lookup.

  • Define the required rule types (where the rule type usage is set to Price Item Eligibility).

  • Define the required policy, policy plan, and persons in the system.

  • Define the Healthcare Product (C1-HealthcareProduct) business object in the system.

  • Define the Health Plan (C1-HealthPlan) business object in the system.

  • Define the Audit Event Type (C1-AuditEventType) business object in the system.

  • Define the required audit event type in the system.

  • Define the required characteristic types (where the characteristic entity is set to Pricing Rule Type) in the system.