Associating an Algorithm with a Reconciliation Type

You can upload a pay instruction file in the CSV and EDI 820 file formats. While uploading a pay instruction file, you need to specify the reconciliation type using which you want to create the reconciliation. A reconciliation type indicates the algorithm which validates the pay instruction file and creates a pay instruction for each record in the file. Two algorithm types named C1-PAYINSUPL and C1-RECONPROC are shipped with the product. You need to maintain separate reconciliation types for different file formats. If you want to use a reconciliation type while uploading a pay instruction file in the CSV format, you need to create an algorithm using the C1-PAYINSUPL algorithm type and attach it to the reconciliation type. However, if you want to use a reconciliation type while uploading a pay instruction file in the EDI 820 format, you need to create an algorithm using the C1-RECONPROC algorithm type and attach it to the reconciliation type.


To associate an algorithm with a reconciliation type, you should have:

  • Algorithm defined using the C1-PAYINSUPL or C1-RECONPROC algorithm type depending on whether you want to use the reconciliation type while uploading a pay instruction file in the CSV or EDI 820 file format


To associate an algorithm with a reconciliation type:

  1. Ensure that the Algorithms section is expanded when you are defining, editing, or copying a reconciliation type.

    The Algorithms section contains the following fields in a grid:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Sequence Used to indicate the order in which the algorithms with the same system event should be executed. Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required when you are associating an algorithm with the reconciliation type.
    System Event Used to indicate the system event when the algorithm should be executed. The valid value is:
    • Upload Pay Instructions - Used when you want to execute the attached algorithm while uploading a pay instruction file using the Pay Instruction CSV File Upload (C1-RECUP) or Upload Lockbox Payment and Pay Instruction Files (C1-PUPSG) batch.

    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required when you are associating an algorithm with the reconciliation type.
    Algorithm Used to indicate the algorithm that you want to attach to the system event.
    Note: The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Algorithm Search window appears.
    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required when you are associating an algorithm with the reconciliation type.
  2. Enter the required details in the Algorithms section.
  3. If you want to associate more than one algorithm with the reconciliation type, click the Add (The Add Icon) icon and then repeat step 2.
    Note: However, if you want to remove an algorithm from the reconciliation type, click the Delete (The Delete Icon) icon corresponding to the algorithm.
  4. Click Save.
    The algorithms are associated with the reconciliation type.

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