This algorithm changes the status of the member person to the value specified in the Membership Person Inactive Status option type of the C1-ASOBLLNG feature configuration. It also does the following:

  • Cancels the billable charges which are created for the membership

  • Cancels the corresponding bill segments (if any)

If an audit event exists for the membership which is inactivated, the BO_​STATUS_​CD column corresponding to the record in the C1_​AUDIT_​EVENT, C1_​AUDIT_​EVENT_​LOG, and CI_​PRCE_​CALC tables is set to INVALID. If a repricing entity detail record exists for the membership in the PENDING or ERROR status, then the BO_​STATUS_​CD column corresponding to the record in the CI_​REPRC_​ENTITY_​DTL table is set to COMPLETE. If a repricing request exists for the membership in the PENDING or ERROR status, then the BO_​STATUS_​CD column corresponding to the record in the CI_​REPRC_​REQ_​DTL table is set to COMPLETE.