Editing a Discrepancy Line Item


To edit a discrepancy line item, you should have:

  • Discrepancy Line Item status as Pending or Draft.


To edit a discrepancy line item:

  1. Search for the discrepancy report in the Discrepancy Report screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Discrepancy Report Information column corresponding to the discrepancy report, whose details you want to edit.

    The Discrepancy Report Information screen appears.

  3. In the Discrepancy Line Items zone, click the Edit (The Edit Icon) icon in the Edit corresponding to the discrepancy line item whose details you want to edit.
    The Discrepancy Line Item screen appears.
    Note: The Edit icon appears when the discrepancy line item is in the Pending or Draft status.

    The Discrepancy Line Item screen contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description
    Discrepancy Report ID Displays the discrepancy report ID.
    Account ID Indicates the account for which the discrepancy line item is created.
    Policy Number Indicates the policy number.
    Plan Number Indicates the plan number of the policy.
    Member Identifier Type Displays the member identifier type.
    Member Identifier Displays the value of the member identifier.
    Member Name Displays the name of the member to whom the discrepancy report belongs.
    Coverage Start Date Displays the start date of the coverage cycle.
    Coverage End Date Displays the end date of the coverage cycle.
    Billed Amount Displays the bill segment amount.
    Paid Amount Displays the paid amount of the bill amount.
    Discrepancy Amount Displays the amount that highlights the discrepancy value.
    Discrepancy Category Used to specify the discrepancy category. The valid values are:
    • Billed Not Paid

    • Paid Not Billed

    • Rate Variance

    Comments Used to specify additional details about the Discrepancy Line Item.
  4. Modify the required details for the discrepancy line item.
  5. Click Save.
    The changes made to the discrepancy line item are saved.

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