Inactivating a Member Person

The system enables you to inactivate a member person of a membership. If the member person is the main subscriber, the system automatically inactivates the membership and all other member persons which are included in the membership. It also does the following:

  • Cancels the billable charges which are created for the membership

  • Cancels the corresponding bill segments (if any)

If an audit event exists for the membership which is inactivated, the BO_​STATUS_​CD column corresponding to the record in the C1_​AUDIT_​EVENT, C1_​AUDIT_​EVENT_​LOG, and CI_​PRCE_​CALC tables is set to INVALID. If a repricing entity detail record exists for the membership in the PENDING or ERROR status, then the BO_​STATUS_​CD column corresponding to the record in the CI_​REPRC_​ENTITY_​DTL table is set to COMPLETE. If a repricing request exists for the membership in the PENDING or ERROR status, then the BO_​STATUS_​CD column corresponding to the record in the CI_​REPRC_​REQ_​DTL table is set to COMPLETE.


To inactivate a member person of a membership:

  1. Search for the membership in the Membership screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Membership Information column corresponding to the membership whose details you want to edit.
    The Membership screen appears.
  3. Ensure that the Main tab is selected.
  4. In the Member Persons zone, click the Edit (The Edit Icon) icon in the Edit column corresponding to the member person whom you want to inactivate.
    The Add/Edit Member Person screen appears.
  5. Select the Inactive option from the Membership Person Status list.
    The status of the member person is changed to Inactive.

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