Membership (Used for Viewing)

The Membership screen allows you to:

  • View the details of a membership

  • Edit the details of a membership

  • Inactivate a membership

  • Inactivate a member person

  • Add or remove a person from a membership

  • View the other plans of the main subscriber

  • Associate or disassociate a contract from a membership

  • View the billable charges created for a membership

  • View the bill segments generated for a membership billable charge

  • View the timeline details of a membership billable charge

  • Viewing the pricing calculation details of a timeline

  • View the log of a membership

  • Add a log entry for a membership

It consists of the following tabs:

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How to remove a person from a membership Removing a Person from a Membership
How to edit the membership details of a person Editing the Membership Details of a Person
How to associate a contract with a membership Associating a Contract with a Membership
How to disassociate a contract from a membership Disassociating a Contract from a Membership
How to edit the contract association details of a membership Editing the Contract Association Details of a Membership
How to view the billable charges created for a membership Viewing the Billable Charges Created for a Membership
How to view the bill segments generated for a billable charge Viewing the Bill Segments Generated for a Billable Charge
How to view the timeline details of a membership billable charge Viewing the Timeline Details of a Membership Billable Charge
How to view the pricing calculation details of a timeline Viewing the Pricing Calculation Details of a Timeline
How to view the log of a membership Viewing the Log of a Membership
How to add a log entry for a membership Adding a Log Entry for a Membership

Parent Topic: Fully-Insured Group Health Insurance