To Do Notification on Binder Payment Cancellation

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing enables you to generate a To Do notification when a binder payment for an individual membership is canceled. To generate the To Do notification when a binder payment is canceled, you need to do the following setup:

  • Add the following value in the MEMB_​PERS_​STAT_​RSN_​FLG lookup field:

    • Binder Payment Canceled

  • Add the following status reason for the Active status of the C1-IndMembership business object:

    • Membership is active but binder payment is canceled

  • Add the following the status reason mapping in the preference which is defined using the Membership Status Reason Mapping ( C1-MemStatusReasonMapping) business object:

    Member Person Status Member Person Status Reason Membership Status Reason
    Active Binder Payment Canceled Membership is active but binder payment is canceled
  • Define the following attributes in the preference which is defined using the C1-FieldMapping (C1-FieldMapping) business object and where the preference category is set to Binder Payment:

    Attribute Value Entity Type
    Membership Status Reason when Binder Payment Cancelled Membership Status Reason Code (of theMembership is active but binder payment is canceled status) Membership
    To Do Type for Binder Payment Cancelled C1-BPCNC Membership

A new To Do type named C1-BPCNC and algorithm type named C1-BNDPYCNCL are introduced in this release. To generate the To Do notification during binder payment cancelation, you need to attach an algorithm created using the C1-BNDPYCNCL algorithm type to the Payment Cancellation system event of the required customer class. If the C1-BNDPYCNCL algorithm is attached on the customer class, the system checks whether the cancel reason specified while canceling a payment is listed as a value of the Binder Payment Cancel Reason List parameter in the algorithm. If so, the system then validates whether the payment is a binder payment using the Binder Payment Identification Characteristics Type attribute of the binder payment preference. If the payment is a binder payment, the system then determines the individual membership whose binder payment is canceled.


If a payment contains a membership identifier value characteristic that is specified in the Binder Payment Identification Characteristics Type attribute of the binder payment preference, the system considers the payment as a binder payment.

The system derives the individual membership using the membership identifier value characteristic on the binder payment and the Binder Payment Identification ID Type attribute of the binder payment preference.

Once the individual membership is derived, the system fetches the binder payment applicability flag for the individual membership. If the binder payment applicability flag of the individual membership is set to No, the system will not generate the To Do notification when the binder payment is canceled.

However, if the binder payment applicability flag of the individual membership is set to Yes, the system will derive the binder payment threshold amount for the respective membership. If the binder payment threshold amount is equal to zero, the system will not generate the To Do notification when the binder payment is canceled.

If the binder payment threshold amount is greater than zero, the system will calculate the grace date (Membership Start Date + (Binder Payment Grace Days -1)) and the total binder payment amount until the grace date. If the Consider Binder Liability Amount attribute in the binder payment preference is set to Y, the system checks whether the total binder payment amount until the grace date is less than the threshold amount. If the total binder payment amount until the grace date is less than the threshold amount, the system does the following:

  • Updates the member person status reason to Binder Payment Canceled and the membership status reason to Membership is active but binder payment is canceled

  • A To Do using the C1-BPCNC To Do type is created

However, if the total binder payment amount until the grace date is greater than or equal to the threshold amount, the system neither changes the member person and membership status reasons nor creates a To Do notification when the binder payment is canceled.

If the Consider Binder Liability Amount attribute in the binder payment preference is set to N, the system checks whether the total binder payment amount until the grace date is equal to zero. If the total binder payment amount until the grace date is equal to zero, the system does the following:

  • Updates the member person status reason to Binder Payment Canceled and the membership status reason to Membership is active but binder payment is canceled

  • A To Do using the C1-BPCNC To Do type is created

However, if the total binder payment amount until the grace date is greater than zero, the system neither changes the member person and membership status reasons nor creates a To Do notification when the binder payment is canceled.

This algorithm contains the following parameters:

  • Membership Business Object - Used to specify the individual membership business object. The system will then consider only those individual memberships which are created using the specified business object. Here, you must set the value to C1-IndMembership.

  • Algorithm for TO DO Creation - Used to specify the algorithm using which you want to create a To Do notification during binder payment cancellation. Here, you must set the value to an algorithm which is created using the C1-BNDTODO algorithm type.

  • Binder Payment Cancel Reason List - Used to specify a comma-separated list of payment cancel reasons that the system should consider while To Do generation on payment cancelation. You can specify maximum five comma-separated values for this parameter. Here, you must specify a payment cancel reason which is already defined in the system.

All the above parameters are mandatory.

Note that the system will update the membership status to Pending Effectuation only when the inbound message is received to change the membership status to Pending Effectuation. Until then, the member person and membership statuses will not change even if the respective binder payment is canceled.