Claims Status and Technical Error Notifications

Claim Event Rules enable sending out a message to an external system when the claim reaches a specific status. However claim event rules cannot be triggered when the claims flow runs into a technical error.

To notify an external system when the claims flow runs into a technical error, use the 'generic' ohi.{0}.endpoint.request functionality with {0} = CLAIM_FLOW_ERROR. All other properties of the endpoint follow the {0} key. For example authentication is done through property ohi.service.{0}.client.authentication with {0} = CLAIM_FLOW_ERROR.

The following applies

  • The errors specified in the claims flow documentation (CLA-FL-XXXX-nnn) are not considered technical errors (and do not lead to notification).

  • A dynamic logic error that is captured in the dynamic logic is still considered a technical error (and leads to notification if property is set).

  • The claim processing task being timed-out while waiting for a callout to return is considered a technical error (and leads to notification if property is set). Note that this does not apply for sending out events and the external system times out; this does not fail the claims flow.

  • When claim processing was started through the UI, a technical error will still lead to notification of external system (if property is set)

The claims flow will send the notification to the endpoint specified in the ohi.CLAIM_FLOW_ERROR.endpoint.request system property. If the property does not exist or If the value of the property is not set, the flow will not send a notification.

The notification follows the common notification pattern described in Outbound Notifications.