Bulk Update Definitions

A bulk update definition specifies a number of conditions and a single update function. A policy must satisfy all the specified conditions in order for it to updated by the function. Bulk updates are executed through a global activity. The bulk update definition code is a parameter of this activity.

Field Description


The identifying code of the bulk update definition

Display Name

The display name of the bulk update definition

Reference Date

The reference date on which all the time valid detail checks are based

Policy Status

The policy status to check if a policy should be picked up for bulk update if its last version is in the specified status


The broker to check if a policy should be picked up for bulk update if it has the specified broker valid on the reference date.


The agent to check if a policy should be picked up for bulk update if it has the specified agent valid on the reference date.

Enrollment Product

The enrollment product to check if a policy should be picked up for bulk update if it has policy enrollments with the specified enrollment product valid on the reference date.

Contract Expiration Period

The length of the contract expiration period to check if a policy should be picked up for bulk update if its contract is about to end in the specified period (along with the Unit Of Measure).

Contract Expiration Period Unit of Measure

The unit of measure for the contract expiration period: Day, Month or Year


The dynamic logic condition that is executed to determine if bulk update should be executed for the policy

Update Function

The dynamic logic function that defines the update to the policy.

Ignore Bulk Update?

If checked, policies with a checked ignore update indicator are excluded from this update. If not checked, then the bulk update applies regardless of the ignore indicator on the policy.

Change Event Generation?

Should change event generation be enabled when this definition is used for bulk updates?

Submit Policy?

Should the policy be submitted for processing after applying the bulk update?


If checked, the update function is executed every time the activity is run. If not checked, the update function is not called if the policy is has a history record indicating that the update has already been applied.


Is the bulk update definition enabled?


  • Contract expiration period and contract expiration period unit of measure should both be filled or both be left empty