Search Enrollment Products

This page can be used to search for enrollment products and view multiple enrollment products at once. The user can opt to create a new enrollment product by clicking the Enrollment Product link provided in the left menu. The user can also navigate to the Enrollment Product page by selecting the hyperlink provided on the code of the enrollment product, this opens a new page wherein the user can view the details of an existing enrollment product and can add/updated/delete enrollment product details.

Display and Specifics

Enrollment Product Search

The page is represented as a single table and each row displays the following fields of an enrollment product:

Field Description


The code of the enrollment product

Display Name

The display name of the enrollment product


The description of the enrollment product

Line of Business

The line of business of the enrollment product

Premium Schedules

The premium schedules of the enrollment product (multi-value field)

Amount Distribution

The way an amount is divided over calculation periods: on a daily basis or evenly

Partial Period Resolution

Charge for a partial period (per day, no charge, full period or enrolled days threshold)

Any dynamic fields defined for an enrollment product appear in the overflow of each line.