Adjustment Types

Adjustment Types

Adjustment Types are, in fact, Schedule Definitions of the type Adjustment. [1] A schedule definition specifies which columns (called dimensions) appear for its adjustment rules. It also connects the values in those columns to the values on the person, object, or policy so that the application can evaluate the adjustment rules during the premium calculation.

The adjustment type specifies the following adjustment properties:

Premium Scope

The scope of the adjustment is either Product, Add-on, or Total premium.
If the scope is product premium, it is possible to further narrow the scope to a specific type of premium schedule. If the scope is Add-on(s) premium, it is possible to narrow the scope to a specific add-on.

Schedule Condition

If the adjustment type has a Schedule Condition, the adjustment rules for this adjustment type will only be evaluated if the result of this boolean function is true.

Schedule Line Condition

If the adjustment type has a Line/Rule Evaluation Condition. In that case, only those adjustment rules for this adjustment type will be evaluated for which the result of this boolean function is true.

Fatal if Line Not Found

If the system finds no applicable adjustment rule for a selected adjustment type during premium calculation, should it raise a fatal message or continue with the calculation?

In Scope Percentage Commission

Should the system include the adjustment result in the base amount for the commission calculation?

Reference Date Field Name

The name (as in the object model) of a date field on the policy calculation period is used as the reference date to determine the schedule value during premium calculation. Footnote:[This only applies to the premium calculation using the policy calculation period.]

Adjustment Rules

Adjustment rules [2] are configured within a default time period by defining dimension values and default adjustment values for the scheduledefinition. The adjustment rule couples an adjustment value to the combination of the values of the schedule dimensions (one or more dimensions as defined by the schedule definition).

An adjustment rule always has a column that specifies the adjustment value. The presence of any other column depends on the dimensions configured for the adjustment type. The adjustment rule is specified by defining the dimension value(s), the adjustment value, and the default time period.


All columns as specified under the adjustment Type.

Default Time Period

The time period for which these dimension values lead to this adjustment value.

Adjustment Value

The value by which the premium is increased or reduced. The value can be either an amount or a percentage or be calculated by a dynamic logic function.

If the value is an amount, the user has to select the applicable currency. It is possible to set up multiple adjustment rules for the same type having different amounts of currencies, so it is unnecessary to set up different adjustment types for different currencies.

Dynamic logic functions come in two flavors: either they prorate the result of the dynamic logic function in case of partial calculation periods, or they do not.

If the adjustment value is negative, the system subtracts the value from the premium amount. If the adjustment value is positive, this results in an addition to the premium.

The adjustment values specified here are default adjustment values. When assigning an adjustment type to an enrollment product or group, these values can be overruled with an enrollment product or a group specific adjustment value.


Adjustments can be configured using the following options.

HTTP/API Generic Resources

The payload of the adjustment API payload differs slightly from the generic API payload. In the generic API payload, the oi:definition returns the internal data model. For the adjustment APIs, however, it represents the definition of the dimensions as defined by the schedule. For example, when an adjustment is based on schedule definition MED_COND that has a medicalCondition (alphanumeric) dimension, the oi:definition link of the schedule returns:


  "MED_COND": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
      "amount": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "value": {
            "type": "number",
            "xml": {
              "attribute": true
            "minimum": -9999999999.9999,
            "maximum": 9999999999.9999
      "functionDynamicLogicCode": {
        "$ref": "http://<hostname>:<port>/<contextRoot>/generic/dynamiclogic/definition"
      "functionDynamicLogicNotProratedCode": {
        "$ref": "http://<hostname>:<port>/<contextRoot>/generic/dynamiclogic/definition"
      "percentage": {
        "type": "number",
        "xml": {
          "attribute": true
        "minimum": -999.9999,
        "maximum": 999.9999
     "medicalCondition": {
        "type": "string",
        "xml": {
          "attribute": true
        "maxLength": 1000

The following generic resources are available for configuring adjustment rules:


POST http://<hostname>:<port>/<contextRoot>/generic/adjustmentrules/search

This collection resource returns schedule definitions of type adjustment, group adjustment, and surcharge.

When used with a schedule definition code, this resource returns the default time periods for the specified schedule definition code.

http://<hostname>:<port>/<contextRoot>/generic/adjustmentrules/<schedule definition code>


POST http://<hostname>:<port>/<contextRoot>/generic/adjustmentvalues/search

This resource returns the default adjustment values.


POST http://<hostname>:<port>/<contextRoot>/generic/assignedadjustments/search

This collection resource returns assigned adjustments of all four types (enrollment product, group account product, group account, and group client).


POST http://<hostname>:<port>/<contextRoot>/generic/enrollmentproductadjustments/search


POST http://<hostname>:<port>/<contextRoot>/generic/groupaccountadjustments/search


POST http://<hostname>:<port>/<contextRoot>/generic/groupaccountproductadjustments/search


POST http://<hostname>:<port>/<contextRoot>/generic/groupclientadjustments/search


POST http://<hostname>:<port>/<contextRoot>/generic/enrollmentproductadjustmentvalues/search


POST http://<hostname>:<port>/<contextRoot>/generic/groupaccountproductadjustmentvalues/search


A GET operation on the schedule definition resource returns a property "adjustmentRuleList" with links for each defined default time period. Those links can be followed to retrieve, create, update, or delete rules for that time period and adjustment rules.

POST http://<hostname>:<port>/<contextRoot>/generic/scheduledefinitions/search


  • Configuration >> Premium and Fees >> Schedule Definitions (PO0004 )

  • Configuration >> Premium and Fees >> Adjustment Rules (PO0007 )

1. This means that there is no data model object called adjustment type, all properties of the adjustment type reside on the schedule definition object.
2. The adjustment rule and the surcharge rule are both referred to as an adjustment rule at data model level. The adjustment value and surcharge value both point to the adjustment value. They can be distinguished by their type.