Premium Tiers

Premium Tier

A premium tier is a re-usable look-up table for policy enrollment structures or "risk profiles" to support premium calculation per policy rather than premium calculation per member.

A premium tier has the following fields:


The code of the premium tier

Display Name

The display name of the premium tier

Equation Type

Specifies the number of enrollments comparison. Possible values are:
'Exactly', 'At least', and 'No more than'

Number of Enrollments

The total number of enrolled persons or objects on a policy in relation to the equation type

Premium Tier Type

A premium tier only specifies the total number of enrolled persons or objects on a policy. A tier can be specified in more detail by setting up 'premium tier types' that specify which enrollments types must (not) be part of the tier:

Enrollment Type

Reference to an enrollment type

Equation Type

Specifies the number of enrollments comparison. Possible values are: 'Exactly', 'At least', and 'No more than'.

Number of Types

The total number of enrolled persons or objects of an enrollment type on a policy in relation to the equation type