Benefit Specifications

A benefit specification specifies a number of dimensions like procedures, diagnoses, providers, regions and other conditions to indicate when a care service is covered and a reference to a coverage regime to indicate how much is actually covered.

Benefit Specifications are created and maintained in Oracle Health Insurance Product Definition by the application itself. Users will be able to view the generated benefit specifications but they can not be edited directly.

Benefit Specification

Table 1. Benefit Specification
Field Description

Service Definition

A reference to a service definition on which the benefit specification is based


The code of the benefit specification


The description of the benefit specification

Procedure Group Usage

How should the procedure group be evaluated?

In: When one or more of the procedures in the group are present on the claim line.

Not In: When none of the procedures in the group are present on the claim line.

Procedure Group

A reference to the group of procedures to which the benefit specification applies

Procedure Group 2 Usage

How should the second procedure group be evaluated?

In: When one or more of the procedures in the group are present on the claim line.

Not In: When none of the procedures in the group are present on the claim line.

Procedure Group 2

A reference to the second group of procedures to which this benefit specification applies

Procedure Group 2 Usage

How should the third procedure group be evaluated?

In: When one or more of the procedures in the group are present on the claim line.

Not In: When none of the procedures in the group are present on the claim line.

Procedure Group 3

A reference to the third group of procedures to which this benefit specification applies

Procedure Condition Usage

How should the procedure condition be evaluated?

In: When one or more of the procedures on the claim line meet the condition.

Not In: When none of the procedures on the claim line meet the condition.

Procedure Condition

A reference to a dynamic logic condition specifying the applicable procedures

Diagnosis Group Usage

To indicate In or Not in for a diagnosis group or condition

Diagnosis Group

A reference to the group of diagnoses to which the benefit specification applies

Diagnosis Condition

A reference to a dynamic logic condition specifying the applicable diagnoses

Diagnosis Type

The type of diagnoses to which this benefit specification applies

Product Provider Group Scope

The scope of the provider groups of the product, in, out or either

Specific Provider Group Scope

The scope of the specific provider groups, in or out

Case Definition

A reference to the case definition that applies to the benefit specification

Coverage Regime

A reference to the applied coverage regime

Authorization Regime

A reference to the applied authorization regime

Waiting Period Regime

A reference to the applied waiting period regime

Post Benefits Regime

A reference to the applied post benefits regime

Age From

The minimum age a person can have for this benefit to be applicable

Age To

The maximum age a person can have for this benefit to be applicable


The gender a person must have for this benefit to be applicable

Employer Country Region Usage

Determines whether the listed region or group is required for or excluded from the benefit specification

Employer Country Region

The benefit only applies if the employer of the insured is based in the referenced region

Employer Country Region Group

The benefit only applies if the employer of the insured is based in the referenced group of regions

Person Country Region Usage

Determines whether the listed region or group is required for or excluded from the benefit specification

Person Country Region

The benefit only applies if the person is based in the referenced region

Person Country Region Group

The benefit only applies if the person is based in the referenced group of regions

Provider Country Region Usage

Determines whether the listed region or group is required for or excluded from the benefit specification

Provider Country Region

The benefit only applies if the servicing provider is based in the referenced region

Provider Country Region Group

The benefit only applies if the servicing provider is based in the referenced group of regions

Location Type Usage

Determines whether the listed location types are required for or excluded from the benefit

Authorization Missing

Does the coverage specification apply only if an authorization is missing?

Consume Authorization

Will the claim line on which the authorization specification is applied write consumption on returned authorizations?

Benefit Priority

A reference to the priority of the benefit specification.

Indicator Active

Indication if new references can be created to the benefit specification

Modifier Usage

Determines whether the listed modifiers are required for or excluded from the benefit

Specialty Usage

Determines whether the listed specialties are required for or excluded from the benefit

Claim Form Type

A reference to the claim form type

One or more benefit specification conditions, other than diagnosis and procedure conditions may be added to a benefit specification. These are user defined conditions to evaluate if a benefit applies in a specific situation.

Benefit Specification Condition

Table 2. Benefit Specification Condition
Field Description

Benefit Specification

A reference to the benefit specification.

Dynamic Logic

A reference to the condition dynamic logic.

Indication Service Definition?

Is the benefit specification condition based on a service definition condition or product service definition condition?

One or more benefit specification provider groups may be added to a benefit specification. These are the specific provider groups that are to be used as criteria in the evaluation of the benefit specification.

Benefit Specification Provider Group

Table 3. Benefit Specification Provider Group
Field Description

Benefit Specification

A reference to the benefit specification.

Provider Group

A reference to the provider group.

Assignment Label

The qualifying label for the assignment of the provider group.

One or more benefit specification location types may be added to the benefit specification. These are the specific location types for which the benefit specification applies (or does not apply).

Benefit Specification Location Type

Table 4. Benefit Specification Location Type
Field Description

Benefit Specification

A reference to the benefit specification.

Location Type

A reference to the location type

One or more benefit specification specialties may be added to the benefit specification. These are the specialties that apply to the benefit specification (or do not apply).

Benefit Specification Specialty

Table 5. Benefit Specification Specialty
Field Description

Benefit Specification

A reference to the benefit specification.

Location Type

A reference to the location type

One or more benefit specification modifiers may be added to the benefit specification. These are the modifiers that apply to the benefit specification (or do not apply).

Benefit Specification Modifier

Table 6. Benefit Specification Modifier
Field Description

Benefit Specification

A reference to the benefit specification.

Location Type

A reference to the location type