Name |
Description |
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The activeCommandToolbarButton creates a button in a toolbar. It is normally used inside of a <af:toolbar> component.
activeCommandToolbarButtons are not rendered on printable pages. |
The activeImage component renders an image specified by the source property and supports
changing this property through active data. |
The activeOutputText component supports styled text and changing of this text through
active data. The text can optionally be left unescaped. Unlike OutputText, conversion to
and from Java objects is not supported. |
The autoSaveBehavior tag is a declarative way to be notified of component's dirty value in a set interval. |
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The autoSuggestBehavior tag is a declarative way to show the suggestItems in a dropdown for the editable components based on user input in the field. |
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A breadCrumbs component is used in hierarchical site layouts to indicate the path back
to the root page of the hierarchy with links. |
The button component creates a button that can be set to either generate an action or
navigate to a destination. The button can be used on a toolbar or placed elsewhere on
the page. |
The calendar component provides the ability to view activities in a calendar. |
The carousel component displays a spinning series of items based on rows of a collection model. |
The carousel item component defines what each item in the carousel looks like. |
The chooseColor component is used in conjunction with an inputColor to allow the user
to quickly select a color value without having to navigate to a secondary window. |
The chooseDate component is used in conjunction with an inputDate to allow the user to
quickly select a date value without having to navigate to a secondary window. |
The clientConverter tag is a declarative way to register a custom client only converter script. |
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The codeEditor component creates an input widget for code editing.
It also supports displaying a label and messages. |
Component that is used as a child of the Table component. The Column component defines
the header, footer and data for a single column in the Table. |
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The commandButton component creates a button that, when pressed, will generate an
action event on the server. The button can contain text, an image, or text and an
image. |
The commandImageLink component creates a link that has icon support, and when pressed
will generate an action event on the server. |
The commandLink component creates a link that, when pressed, will generate an action
event on the server. |
The commandMenuItem component creates a menu item representation that, when pressed,
will generate an action event on the server. |
The commandNavigationItem control creates a a navigation item representation of a
UIXCommand. The item could be rendered as a link, an option, a button, etc. |
The commandToolbarButton creates a button in a toolbar. It is normally used inside of
a toolbar component. |
The contextInfo control adds an area which can be clicked to show contextual information. |
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The conveyor belt component is a container that shows its children oriented horizontally or vertically and allows scrolling among them. |
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The deck component is a container that shows one child component at a time. When
changing which child is displayed, the transistion can be animated. |
Adds a dynamic declarative component to the page. Dynamic declarative components
allow the UI definition of a component to be defined in terms of a composition of other
components and then treated as a single component. |
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The decorativeBox component stretches the child in the center facet to fill all
of the available space. It is bordered by eight styled areas. The top bordered
area may contain stretched content from the top facet such as navigationPane
tabs. |
The dialog control is a layout element that displays its children inside a dialog
window and delivers DialogEvents when the OK and Cancel actions are activated. |
The document tag creates each of the standard root elements of an HTML page:
<html>, <body>, and <head>. |
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The dynamicComponent tag creates a component representing one of the following components
based the component type value provided by its attribute model:
<inputText>, <inputDate>, <inputListOfValues>, <selectOneChoice>,
<selectManyChoice>, <selectOneListbox>, <selectManyListbox>,
<selectOneRadio>, <selectBooleanRadio>, <selectBooleanCheckbox>,
<selectManyCheckbox>. |
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The form tag creates an HTML <form> element. |
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The goButton creates a push button that navigates directly to another location instead
of delivering an action. |
The goImageLink tag is an HTML link with an icon support. |
The goLink tag is an HTML link. |
The goMenuItem component creates a menu item representation that navigates directly to
another location instead of delivering an action. |
The gridCell control is a layout element that serves as a cell of a gridRow component. |
The gridRow control is a layout element that arranges gridCell children for a parent panelGridLayout component. |
The group component is an invisible control that aggregates semantically-related
children. |
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Renders an icon. |
The image control creates an image tag. |
The inlineFrame component is used to create an Inline Frame tag. |
Renders an input field for colors. The field can be tied to a ChooseColor element for
easy color picking. |
Used for selecting and returning data for fields in the main page. |
Renders an input field for dates. The field can be tied to a ChooseDate element for
easy date picking. |
The inputFile component is a component that can be used to upload a file. It supports
displaying a label, text, and messages. |
LOV input control |
Represents an input slider component with a single value. |
Creates a browser input widget; it is used to enter numbers and it has a spinbox to
quickly increment or decrement the number. |
Represents an input slider component with dual values. |
An input text field control. |
UIXIterator is a component that does iteration. It is similar to UIXTable but has no
chrome. |
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The link component creates a link that can be set to either generate an action or
navigate to a destination. The link can be used on a toolbar or placed elsewhere on
the page. |
Component that is used as a child of the listView component.
It can also be placed inside the "groupHeader" facet to provide grouping support inside the listView . |
The ListView is used to display list data. It also supports selection (both single and
multiple), and grouping of data. |
The masonry layout component is a container that shows its children in a grid like a dashboard. |
The media component displays media content, such as audio, video, or image in a player
embedded in the user agent. |
Represents a vertical menu component. Typically, this is used as a child of a menuBar
or popup. |
Represents a MenuBar component. Its children are menu components. |
Component that displays a message on behalf of a component. ADF input components
typically support automatically showing their own messages, so this tag should be used
only when setting the "simple" attribute to true. |
The messages tag displays important page-level messaging information to the
The navigationPane component creates a series of navigation items representing one
level in a navigation hierarchy. |
A note window is a floating panel that contains read-only information associated
with a particular UI component. |
The outputFormatted bean accepts a string in its "value" attribute containing a very
limited set of HTML markup and outputs formatted results. |
Component that displays a label for a form component. |
The outputText component supports styled text. |
Page Templates provide a re-usable page definition that allows the application
developer to provide consistent branding, and page layout across the application. |
The panelAccordion control creates, contains, and shows a series of items defined by
showDetailItem nodes. |
The panelBorderLayout component is a layout element which lays out all of its children
consecutively in its middle. |
The Box Panel is used to place ancillary information on a page, offset by a certain
color |
A panel component that aggregates collection components like table, treeTable and tree
to display standard/application menus, toolbars and statusbar items. |
The panelDashboard component arranges children into a grid of columns and rows.
It will attempt to stretch its children to fill up the width of a column and the specified row
height. |
The panelDrawer control contains a series of items defined by
showDetailItem nodes. The drawer can be "opened" by clicking one of the item "handles". |
The Form Panel lays out input form controls, such that their labels and fields line up
vertically. |
The panelGridLayout component is a layout container component that uses one or more gridRow components to describe the rows of a grid layout structure. Each gridRow uses one or more gridCell components to describe the cells for columns in that row of the grid layout structure. |
A panel component that displays its children in a group. |
The Header Panel control places a label and optional icon at the top of a section. |
This component lays out a label and children. |
The panelList control outputs each visible child in a list with a bullet next to it. |
Use this to divide a region into two parts with a repositionable divider. |
The panelSpringboard control shows a series of items defined by
showDetailItem nodes in a strip of icons with the showDetailItem details or
as a grid of icons with the details hidden. |
The panelStretchLayout component stretches the child in the center facet to fill all
of the available space. |
The panelTabbed control creates, contains and shows a series of items defined by
showDetailItem nodes. |
A panel component that displays its children in a window. |
The poll component delivers PollEvents to the server at fixed intervals. For example,
this can be used either for steady updates, to deliver a heartbeat to keep a user
logged in, or to warn a user about to be logged out. |
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The popup component is an invisible control whose contents will be used in popup
windows, such as context menus. |
The progressIndicator component can be used to give users an understanding that there
is a back end task in progress. |
The Query control is used to display a complete search panel. |
QuickQuery component is used to do a quick search. |
The region tag allows dynamic content to be included in a master page. |
The reset button control creates a push button which will reset the content of a form
for all input and select components. |
The richTextEditor component creates an input widget for rich text formatting.
It also supports displaying a label, text, and messages. |
The sanitized component works like f:verbatim except that it supports a valueExpression as well as inline content. |
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The searchSection component represents a group of data to be used by the inputSearch component. |
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A component which allows the end user to select a checkbox. |
A component which allows the end user to select a radio button in a group of radio
buttons. |
The selectItem tag represents a single item that the user may select from a list,
choice, radio, or shuttle ADF control. |
A component which allows the end user to select multiple valuesfrom a list of
available options. |
A menu-style component, which allows the user to select multiple values from a
dropdown list of items. |
The selectManyListbox component creates a component which allows the user to select
multiple values from a list of items. |
The selectManyShuttle component provides a mechanism for selecting multiple values
from a list of values by allowing the user to move items between two lists. |
The selectOneChoice component creates a menu-style component, which allows the user to
select a single value from a list of items. |
The selectOneListbox component creates a component which allows the user to select a
single value from a list of items. |
A component which allows the end user to select a single value from a list of
available options. |
The selectOrderShuttle component provides a mechanism for selecting multiple values
from a list of values by allowing the user to move items between two lists, and
reordering that list of values. |
The seperator is used anywhere to create a horizontal separator between items. |
The showDetail provides a means of toggling a group of components between being hidden
or shown. |
The showDetailHeader provides a means of toggling the contents under a header between
being disclosed(shown) or undisclosed(hidden). |
The showDetailItem represents a single item with specific contents that can be
selected by users to be shown in a showOne component. |
Used anywhere to add spacing between items. |
The statusIndicator displays an animated icon to indicate server activity. While a
server request is active, the status icon is displayed, otherwise the idle icon is
displayed. |
The streaming component may be used to render content that requires model data to be loaded first. It allows the initial component with a placeholder to be rendered while the data is being loaded without holding up the rest of the page from rendering. |
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The subform tag represents an independently submittable region of a page. The contents
of a subform will only be validated (or otherwise processed) if a component inside of
the subform is responsible for submitting the page. |
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The suggestionsSection component manages a list of preferred suggestions based on various factors on the client. The parent inputSearch component retrieves the list managed by this component and displays it in UI. The preferred suggestions list managed by this component is a subset of the suggestions retrieved via the REST service. |
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The switcher component dynamically decides which facet component should be rendered. |
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The Table is used to display tabular data. It also supports selection (both single and
multiple), sorting, and record navigation. |
A toolbar that usually contains buttons. |
A container for Toolbars and MenuBars, with built-in functionality like overflow. |
The train component indicates the location of the current page within a multi-step
process. Each step is represented as a train stop. |
The trainButtonBar component is a collection of buttons that allows an additional
means to navigate the stops in a train. This component can be used in conjunction with
the train component to provide multiple ways to navigate through train stops. |
Represents an interactive tree component. |
Represents an interactive hierarchical table component. |