5.5 Upgrading Oracle VM Agent for SPARC

Upgrades for Oracle VM Servers that are running on SPARC hardware can be handled by setting up two Oracle Solaris Image Package System (IPS) repositories. Your IPS repositories can be hosted on any system, either x86 or SPARC, as long as it is running Oracle Solaris 11 or later. The system where you configure these repositories must be accessible over the network by all of the SPARC based Oracle VM Servers that you wish to upgrade. The first repository should be set up to handle Oracle Solaris updates and should have its publisher set to solaris. This repository can be used to keep the Oracle Solaris software in your control domains up to date. Instructions on setting up and copying IPS repositories can be found in the book titled Copying and Creating Oracle Solaris 11.1 Package Repositories in the Oracle Solaris 11.1 Information Library at:


The second IPS repository should be set up to contain the Oracle VM Agent for SPARC and associated packages. This repository can be used to ensure that the latest version of Oracle VM Agent for SPARC is available to be installed on your Oracle VM Servers. You can also use this repository to store commonly required packages such as the distributed lock manager (DLM) package required for cluster support. See Section 6.1, “Installing DLM for SPARC Server Pool Clusters” for more information on the DLM package. This repository should have its publisher set to ovm. The instructions that follow explain how to set up and configure this IPS repository.

To set up an IPS repository for Oracle VM Agent for SPARC :

  1. If you have not already created a package repository that is accessible over HTTP, you must create one by performing the following actions on the system where you intend to host your repositories:

    # pkgrepo create /path/to/my-repository
    # svccfg -s application/pkg/server setprop pkg/inst_root=/path/to/my-repository
    # svccfg -s application/pkg/server setprop pkg/port=8888
    # svcadm refresh application/pkg/server
    # svcadm enable application/pkg/server
  2. Check that the package repository server is online:

    # svcs pkg/server
    STATE          STIME    FMRI
    online         16:39:50 svc:/application/pkg/server:default
  3. Download the latest Oracle VM Agent for SPARC software from https://edelivery.oracle.com/oraclevm, as described in Section 1.2, “Getting Installation ISOs and Packages”.

  4. If you intend to take advantage of server pool clustering, also download the distributed lock manager DLM package from https://edelivery.oracle.com/oraclevm, as described in Section 1.2, “Getting Installation ISOs and Packages”.

  5. Extract the software, for example:

    # tar xzf ovs-ldoms-3.3.1-bXXX.tar.gz
  6. Copy the software to the package repository, for example:

    # pkgrecv -s ovs-ldoms-3.3.1-bXXX/ovs-ldoms.p5p -d /path/to/my-repository 'ovm/*'
    # pkgrecv -s ovs-dlm-3.3.1-bXXX.p5p -d /path/to/my-repository 'ovm/*'
  7. Restart the package repository server and ensure that it is online:

    # svcadm restart application/pkg/server
    # svcs pkg/server

    If the package repository server is not online, restart the server where it is hosted.

  8. Check that the contents of the repository are available, for example:

    # pkgrepo list -s /path/to/my-repository
    # pkgrepo list -s http://my-repo-server:8888/